Friday, January 19, 2024

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Indonesia, 2023

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December 25, 2023: China funded and built Bullet Train in Indonesia serves its 1 millionth Passenger just 2 Months after opening
The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (HSR) in Indonesia that was funded and built by China just reached a major Milestone recently when it celebrated carrying its one millionth Passenger after just two Months of being made open to the Public last October 2023. 

All Indications point to the Train System being a huge Hit in Indonesia as it is now making 48 Trips per Day, or approximately two Trips per Hour. So Congratulations to both China and Indonesia!!! 

Meanwhile in the Philippines, no visibility whatsoever of its supposed "Ally" the United States (US) doing anything near the same for this Country. "US" pa more, all you Filipino A** Kissers of the US.

Here is the Link to the Article from the Xinhuadotnet Website:

November 2, 2023: Bitter Filipino Doggies of the US reduced to badmouthing China’s Bullet Train in Indonesia 
From the great “Pusang Gala”, no wonder the Filipino Kissers of United States (US) A**es are so intent on trying to silence his Work because he can be so on Point, like on this Cartoon which shows Filipino Doggies of the US riding on their overloaded and obsolete Jeepneys while being left behind the Chinese-funded and made Bullet Train of Indonesia. 

Since their US Masters cannot do the same for the Philippines, the Pinoy Doggies have been reduced to just trying to badmouth and bring down Indonesia’s Bullet Train as just another Chinese “Debt Trap”, an Accusation that is nothing but a MYTH that has been disproven so many times already

Here is the Link to the original Post by Pusang Gala on Instagram:

October 5, 2023: Indonesia officially launches first Bullet Train in SEA that was funded and made by China
Indonesia has just officially launched the very first “Bullet Train” in the entire South East Asia (SEA) that was made and funded by China. The High Speed Railway (HSR) is 142 km long and connects the Indonesian Cities of Jakarta and Bandung

The whole Project costs Usd 7 billion and will cut the Travel Time in between the two Cities from the previous three Hours to just 40 minutes. The Railway has been renamed as “WHOOSH”, short for "Waktu Hemat, Operasi Optimal, Sistem Handal" which translates in English to "Timesaving, Optimal Operation, Reliable System". 

The Philippines meanwhile can only look dying with Envy and drooling at the Mouth since the id**t Superpower it insisted on allying itself with, the United States (US), can’t do anywhere near the same for them

September 9, 2023: Indonesians so happy with their China-made Bullet Train, the 1st in SEA
Smiles all around as Indonesians look so happy with their brand new and modern China-made Bullet Train, the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail (HSR), the first Bullet Train in the entire South East Asia (SEA). I feel so envious looking at these Pictures, ‘sana ol’ (wishing the same for everybody)

Here is the Link to the original Article where these Photos came from:

September 8, 2023: China Pledges Usd 21 billion of new Investments to strengthen ties with Indonesia
China is pledging Usd 21 billion of new Investments in order to strengthen its Economic and Political Ties with Indonesia, this came from no less than the Chinese Premier Li Qiang during his visit to Jakarta

And this is ON TOP of the Usd 45 billion investment Pledge by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Indonesian President Joko Widodo last July 2023. Meanwhile, the United States (US) seems to be pledging only to keep allowing Filipino Pilots to ‘Himas-Himasen’ (Caress-Caress) their F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter Aircraft to strengthen its ties with the Philippines … LMAO

August 14, 2023: Major US Company TESLA to make Battery Materials in China-ally Indonesia, Philippines again ends up EMPTY HANDED from US Investments
One of the biggest Companies in the United States (US), a Household Name already in TESLA, INCORPORATED will be building Lithium Battery Materials in Indonesia, a close Ally of China.

This was revealed by the Indonesian Government Official Luhut Pandjaitan who said that Elon Musk himself told him personally about it. Musk is expected to make the official Announcements in the next couple of Months. 

If this is so, then the Philippines is again left EMPTY HANDED from Investments by one of their biggest Companies, a Story that has happened several times already as I had posted about. This despite many Filipinos insisting on being Subservient to the US. Apparently that is not enough as the US Companies still insists on going elsewhere, even to China’s Allies in South East Asia (SEA)

August 1, 2023: Indonesia buys a dozen Anka Drones from Turkey for Usd 25 million each
Indonesia just bought a dozen Anka Drones made by the Company “Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI)” for Usd 300 million, or around Usd 25 million each. Six of the Aircraft will be made in Turkey while the remaining half will be assembled in Indonesia. 

The Indonesian Air Force will get six of the Aircraft, while the Indonesian Navy and Army will receive three each. These Anka Drones are very similar to the Hermes 900 Drones of the Philippine Air Force (PAF), they will be used mainly for Surveillance and Reconnaissance. 

However, the Anka Drones could be also be armed with Turkish-made Missiles, Rockets and Bombs. 

July 31, 2023: Indonesia uses Chinese Missiles to sink decommissioned Naval Vessel
The Indonesian Armed Forces recently conducted an Inter-Service Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) in the Java Sea where they used Chinese Anti-Ship Missiles to sink one of their old, decommissioned Naval Ship, the former KRI Slamet Riyadi (352)

The KRI Yos Sudarso (353), an Ahmad Yani-class Frigate of the Indonesian Navy (IN) used the C-802 Missile while the KRI Tombak (629), a Sampari-class Fast Attack Craft (FAC) used the C-705. The Indonesian Armed Forces also used other Weapons in the Exercise, such as Exocet Missiles and Aerial Bombs. 

The C-802 is a subsonic Missile with a range of up to 120 km and a Warhead weight of 165 kg. The C-705 is also subsonic with a longer range of up 170 km, but a lighter Warhead of only 110 kg. Here is a nice Video of the SINKEX:

One thing I liked about this Exercise is that the Indonesian Armed Forces all did it on their own, unlike the SINKEX that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) did earlier this Year of 2023 when it had to hold some Foreign Military’s Hand in order to do it


July 28, 2023: China brings more PROGRESS and Investments to close Ally Indonesia as the Chinese Company Xinyi is investing to build an Usd 11.5 billion Factory there
What’s it’s like to be a close Ally of China? Well ask Indonesia, who is set to receive another major investment in China, this time in the form of a Usd 11.5 billion Quartz Sand Processing Plant from the Chinese Company Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited

The Plant will be built on the Indonesian Island of Rimpang, and 95% of its Output will be exported to other Countries. This is just the latest of the MANY Investments worth Billions and Billions of Dollars that China has been making in Indonesia just for the Year 2023 alone as I have been posting about. 

Meanwhile, let’s ask the Filipino Kissers of American A$$es how much Investments their Idols the Americans have pumped into the Country this Year, hmm? They could only give ‘laspaging pinaglumaang’ (overused and old) Naval Vessels to the Philippines for the nine Military Bases that were given to them, ‘tapos Amerika pa rin?’ (and yet still idolizing America?)

July 26, 2023: Chinese Co. Huayou investing Usd 400 million to expand its Operations in Indonesia, are they ditching their Plan to invest in the Philippines
The Chinese Company Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Company Limited is investing Usd 400 million to expand its Operations in Indonesia, first by spending Usd 200 million to buy ownership into the Indonesian Nickel Ore Processor Company "Perlux".

Then Huayou Cobalt will then spend another Usd 200 million to put Nickel Sulfate Production Plant also in Indonesia. 

Note that the same Chinese Company planned to invest Usd 5 billion to put up a Nickel Ore Processing Plant here in the Philippines, but after Weak Junior Baby M decided to give so many Military Bases to the Americans, no News about that Plan has come out lately. 

So the big question now is, has Huayou Cobalt abandoned its Plans for the Philippines in favor of this expansion in Indonesia? That is the big question ...

June 4, 2023: Indonesia and China’s Defense Ministers met in Singapore, Indonesian Defense Minister says China and Indonesia are a “Brotherhood”. What say you, Defense Secretary Teodoro? LOL
The Defense Ministers of China and Indonesia met in Singapore recently to discuss even improving the Defense Cooperation between their two Countries. The Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto was quoted as saying that the relationship between China and Indonesia should be maintained like a “Brotherhood”. 

Can anybody imagine if the new Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro says the same Thing? I bet the Philippine Military, who likes to cling to the American Military like an Octopus, would probably burn him alive at a Stake, LOL. 

Indonesia’s State-owned Defense Companies like PT LEN, PT Dirgantara and PT Dahana also have established cooperation with Chinese Defense Companies. And don’t forget that Indonesia also has a Territorial Dispute with China over the Natuna Islands, but unlike the Philippines, Indonesia is SMART in siding with China

May 30, 2023: China’s BYD beats Tesla to provide Electric Vehicles to Indonesia’s biggest Taxi Operator this Year
China’s Build Your Dreams (BYD) Company Limited has beaten the American Company Tesla Incorporated to provide 400 Electric Vehicles (EV) to Indonesia’s biggest Taxi Operator, PT Blue Bird Tbk this Year of 2023. BYD will be providing their E6 and T3 EV Models to Blue Bird. 

Also interesting to me that Indonesia is already shifting quickly to EV while I am unaware of any Taxi Operator in the Philippines using EVs. So AS USUAL, ‘nahuhuli na naman tayo’ (we are again being left behind)

May 15, 2023: Indonesia’s Central Bank going ahead with Payment System that will replace the American Visa and Mastercard
In line with Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s initiative announced a couple of Months ago, Indonesia’s Central Bank recently said that they are going ahead with the Plan to create the Country’s own National Payment System that will replace the American Visa and Mastercard Electronic Payment System (EPS). Indonesia is doing this to lessen its reliance on the West and to keep it from being vulnerable to any possible Economic Sanctions that the West (particularly the United States) might impose on them later on

May 11, 2023: Another Chinese Co., GEM Co. Ltd. is investing in a Usd 500 million Joint Project in Indonesia
Another Chinese Company, this time the GEM Company Limited is investing to become the majority Shareholder of a Joint Project in Indonesia that will be capable of producing up to 200,000 tons of Nickel Intermediate Products per Year. This is just the latest of the deluge of Chinese Investments that are benefiting Indonesia

May 4, 2023: Chinese Co. Shandong Nanshan to open a Usd 878 million Factory in Indonesia
The Chinese Company Shandong Nanshan Aluminium is putting up an Usd 878 million Electrolytic Aluminum Factory in Indonesia that will produce Aluminum Ingots with a Capacity of up to 250,000 metric tons per Year. Just an example of how China rewards it close Allies, despite their differences in the South China Sea (SCS)

April 26, 2023: China opens a new Shipping Route to Indonesia to further improve Trade
China opened a new Shipping Route from its Yangpu Port in Hainan to Surabaya in Indonesia which will go thru the Klang Port in Malaysia. The Route will be serviced by four Ships with a total capacity equal to 4,250 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEU) of Containers per Week. This again shows China builds and Trades, while the Americans only Destroy and look for Wars

April 25, 2023: Indonesia coordinating with many Countries to De-Dollarize, strangely Philippines does not seem to be participating
Indonesia is now following the lead of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Economies and lessening its dependence on the United States (US) Dollar during Trade Transactions by establishing Local Currency Trading (LCT) Transactions with other Countries like Thailand, Malaysia, China, Japan, South Korea and Japan

Notice though that the Philippines is not mentioned in the above Countries for some Reason. I think it is in the best interest of the Philippines to participate in such an undertaking, unless of course Junior wants to continue favoring the Americans

April 20, 2023: Pictures show the Flanker’s Size compared to the F-16C, T-50i and Super Tucano
Pictures show just how much bigger the Su-30MK2 Flanker is compared to the T-50i Golden Eagle, A-29B Super Tucano and the F-16C Fighting Falcon. The Indonesian Air Force (IAF) operates all four Aircraft, and them being together on one Picture allows us to compare their actual Sizes. And just as a Reminder, China has approximately 700 Flanker Aircraft in its Inventory

April 19, 2023: Chinese-developed and made Jetliner, the ARJ21 completes its first Overseas Flight in Indonesia, who is is the first Foreign Customer of the Aircraft
Indonesia’s first ARJ21, a Passenger Jet Aircraft that was developed and made by China, just completed its first Overseas Flight from Jakarta to Bali in Indonesia. Indonesia is also the Aircraft’s first Foreign Customer. The ARJ21 is made by the Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), has a range of 3,700 km and can carry around 100 Passengers. Around 100 Aircraft are already in Service with various Airlines, most of which are in China, and to date it has already accummulated around 200,000 of Safe Flight Hours

March 31, 2023: The American Company “Ford” invests Usd 4.6 billion for a Plant in Indonesia while the US only sends DILIS Investments to the Philippines
While the Philippines only receives “D-I-L-I-S” (Anchovies, or Small Fry) Investments from the Americans, the United States (US) invests so much more in other South East Asian (SEA) Countries, like the American Ford Motor Company, for example, which just invested a stunning Usd 4.6 billion to establish a Nickel Processing Plant in INDONESIA.

And to think they don’t even have a single Military Base there. The Philippines, on the other hand, gave nine Military Bases to the Americans, is a Defense Partner and yet only gets SMALL FRY Investments from the US. As I keep saying, CHINA is a MUCH BETTER Partner for the Philippines than these fakking Americans

March 20, 2023: Chinese Company to build Usd 1.6 billion Factory in Indonesia, Philippines waiting for US Companies to invest Usd 1.6 billion in it soon
The Tianshan Aluminum Group, the second largest Producer of Aluminum in China will be building an Aluminum Oxide Plant in Indonesia worth Usd 1.6 billion. Meanwhile, the Philippines is waiting for the Americans to at least invest a similar amount in it after gifting the United States (US) with nine Military Bases which are RENT-FREE ...

March 16, 2023: Widodo says Indonesians should drop US Payment Systems like Visa and Mastercard to remain independent
Indonesia recently launched its own Government Credit Card Payment System, and in line with this their President Joko Widodo urged his Country to drop American Electronic Payment Systems (EPS) like Visa and Mastercard and use the local ones instead. He says this will help Indonesia be INDEPENDENT from Sanctions that the West (particularly the Americans) are fond of doing. 

The Philippines should follow suit and have our own Domestic Credit Card System (attention, President Bong Bong Marcos). We are a bit lucky that we have the GCash System already in place that is widely used, but it is owned by a Private Company, and still tied up with the United States (US) thru the American Express EPS.
Widodo is definitely one of my Idols now, along with Rodrigo Duterte. I wished Widodo was Filipino so he could lead our Country, or that Digong could have a much longer Term as the Leader of our Country

March 14, 2023:AUKUS created for Fighting” said a Senior Indonesian Official as push in Indonesia to deny access to their Territory Australia’s Nuclear Powered Subs gains ground
Tubagus Hasanuddin, a former two-Star General of the Indonesian Army, now a Senior Member of the ruling Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and of Indonesia’s Parliamentary Committee overseeing Foreign Affairs, Defence and Intelligence said that the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) Trilateral Pact was, “… created for fighting …” and is pushing to deny any Nuclear Powered Submarine by Australia access to Indonesian Territory. Muhadi Sugiono, an International Relations Expert at Indonesia’s Gadjah Mada University also agreed with Hasanuddin’s Views

March 3, 2023: Chinese Brands dominate the Indonesian Smartphone Market with 70% Market Share
Chinese Smartphone Brands are dominating the Indonesian Market with a 70% Market Share, with four of them (Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi and Realme) in the Top Five with their Low Price and Good Quality. The American Smartphone Brand “Apple” isn’t even in the Top Five in Indonesia. Personally I use a Poco X4 Pro 5G right now, and it utterly love it with its Great Camera and fast 66W Charging 

February 1, 2023: A Tale of two Countries, Indonesia and the Philippines on the issue of China and the US; “Many Indonesian Business and Political Elites believe that China is the Relevant Superpower and the US is in relative decline - and, Geographically, far away”. Details in the Comments
A Tale of two Countries, in my View: So United States (US) Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin visited Indonesia in November 2022, he was hoping to close the deal of selling three dozen of their F-15 Eagle Fighter Aircraft to them, but went back home empty-handed and with his Head bowed. Fast Forward three Months later, he visits the Philippines and goes back home triumphantly with four additional Bases for his Military to use. 

Taken from the Article, according to the Indonesians: 
-  China never dictates to them while the US insists on many Conditions for their Investments;
-  China is Indonesia’s Number One Trading Partner, Number One Foreign Investor and Number One Source of International Tourists;
-  “Many Indonesian Business and Political Elites believe that China is the Relevant Superpower and the US is in relative decline - and, Geographically, far away” – Tom Lembong, former Indonesian Government Official

January 11, 2023: The American Company Apple Inc. is moving to Vietnam, and now another American Company Tesla Inc. is planning to move to Indonesia. Both Vietnam and Indonesia are NOT close “Allies” of the United States (US), we are supposed to be that with our “Defense Treaty” with them. And I can assure you, neither Vietnam nor Indonesia will likely never enter into a Defense Treaty with the US, yet the Americans would prefer to move to them instead of us? Instead, it is the Chinese who are putting up shop in the Philippines, and yet they are being hated so much while the Americans still are being praised. ‘Sino ang T@ng@’, then? (who is foolish, then?)

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