Showing posts with label Philippine-China Relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philippine-China Relations. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2023

PBBM expected to get Php 12 billion in Infra Pledges during China Visit

The Manila Bulletin Article on PBBM's upcoming Visit to China
The Manila Bulletin Article on PBBM's upcoming Visit to China

President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) is expected to get around Rmb 1.5 billion (or around Php 12 billion) in Pledges from the Chinese Government to support his Infrastructure Projects during his State Visit to China this coming Week. 

Other Items expected during his Visit are: 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Philippine Exports to China almost doubled under the Duterte Administration

Some Numbers on the Philippines' Exports to China under the Duterte Administration
Some Numbers on the Philippines' Exports to China under the Duterte Administration

When President Rodrigo Duterte first stepped into Office back in 2016, the Philippines’ Exports to China only amounted to Usd 6.4 billion, which comprised of only around 13% of the Philippines’ Total Exports. 

By 2021 our Exports to China had almost doubled to Usd 11.6 billion, with its Total Exports Share increasing to around 25%. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping reflects on working with Duterte

A Screenshot about the Post of Xi Jinping's latest Call to Pres. Duterte
A Screenshot about the Post of Xi Jinping's latest Call to Pres. Duterte

I feel a bit sentimental about this most recent call by Chinese President Xi Jinping to President Rodrigo Duterte, it seems like a Farewell Call to me as Xi reflected on the much improved relations between China and the Philippines during Duterte’s Term. 

It’s only around a Month left before the Presidential Elections, and around two and half Months before Digong steps down from Office. And it has been a great Term for the relations of both Countries, I’m hoping that it will continue in as much or even better terms under the next Administration. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

China’s High-Speed 160 kph Trains are coming to the Laguna to Albay Railway


January 25, 2022: The Department of Transportation (DoTr) recently awarded a Php 142 billion (or Usd 2.8 billion assuming an Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 51) Contract to a Joint Venture of Chinese Companies to construct the Laguna to Albay Railway Project which will use Trains capable of traveling up to 160 kph

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Philippine Sales at the 2021 China Expo in Shanghai reached Usd 597 million

Screenshot of PNA's Headline about the Philippines' participation in the 2021 CIIE
Screenshot of PNA's Headline about the Philippines' participation in the 2021 CIIE 

The Philippine Booth at the 2021 China International Import Expo (CIIE) held recently in Shanghai, China reached Usd 597 million in Sales as per the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

This is equivalent to Php 30 billion assuming an Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 51. This Year’s Sales is also much higher than the Usd 462 million that the Philippine Booth made in the 2020 CIIE. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Phl signs Usd 400 million Contract with China for Davao-Samal Bridge

Artist's Illustration of the Davao-Samal Bridge, Image by the Department of Public Works and Highways
Artist's Illustration of the Davao-Samal Bridge, Image by the Department of Public Works and Highways

The Philippines just signed a Usd 400 million (Php 19.32 billion at the Exchange Rate of Usd 1 = Php 48.3) Contract with China for the Design and Construction of the Samal Island-Davao Connector (SIDC) Project. 

China will fund the Project thru a Loan and it is expected to break ground in the First Half (January to June) of 2021. It will take 60 Months or 5 Years for the Project to be completed. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Philippine Companies generated Usd 462 million in potential Sales during China Expo

40 Philippine companies selling Tropical Fruits, Processed Fruits, Vegetables, Healthy Snacks, Seafoods and other Premium Food Selections generated Usd 462 million in Signings and Commitments during the recent 3rd China International Import Expo (CIIE) in China.

This well exceeded the Philippines’ target of only Usd 160 million by almost 3 times. Let us thank the Manila Times and some other Philippine News Publications for posting this, notice that the Dilawan Sections of the Philippine Press refused to publish this, probably because it will anger the Americans who they worship.

SOURCE: PH bags $462-M Sales in China Expo {Archived Link}

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The 600-year Old Tomb in China of Paduka Pahala, a King of Sulu

The CGTN Channel recently did a nice 48 minute Video feature of the 600-year old Tomb of the East King of Sulu named Paduka Pahala in the City of Dezhou located in the Shandong Province of China

The King visited China back in the 14th Century with a Delegation of over 300 People for a Cultural, Political, Economic, etc. Exchange with the Chinese Kingdom then ruled by the Emperor Yongle.  

Friday, September 11, 2020

China’s Defense Minister visited the Philippines and met with Secretary Lorenzana

China’s Defense Minister Wei Fenghe visited the Philippines and met with Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana today, Friday, September 11, 2020. 

Among the Items they discussed was the granting of Cny 130 million (Php 922 million at the Exchange Rate of Cny 1 = Php 7.10) worth of Equipment mainly for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) Operations to the Armed Force of the Philippines (AFP)


* Official Inquirer Facebook Page Post 09/11/20 - 1529H {Archived Link}

PH, China Defense Execs commit to maintain peace in SCS {Archived Link

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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Contracts with Chinese Firms should not be cancelled unless the US is willing to take over those Contracts

I don’t agree that the Philippine Government should cancel all the Contracts of Chinese Companies involved in the construction of Artificial Islands in the South China Sea (SCS) as what the Americans and the Dilawans have been pushing for lately, like the Sangley Airport Contract, for example, for a number of Reasons. 

First is that as I said before, why is the United States (US) acting only now when China had started building those Islands in 2013? Why couldn’t they do it when former Philippine President AbNoy Aquino was being a good, obedient Dog to them from 2013 to 2016?

Second is that, the Duterte Government did not ask the Americans to sanction those Companies, he is establishing friendly ties with China. Duterte didn’t ask for it, just out of the Blue the Americans came and said, hey, we are giving you this solution, we are sanctioning the Chinese Companies. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Philippines is the Country Guest of Honor in the China International Fair in September 2020

The Philippines will be the 2020 Country Guest of Honor at the China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) to be held in Xiamen, China next Month (September 2020). 

As a result, the Philippines will be given the Honor National Pavilion for the Event which has a 400 square meter area for use to showcase Philippine Projects and Products, and provide Trade and Investment consultation to possible Investors. 

SOURCE: Official China Embassy Manila Facebook Page Post, 08/14/20 - 2138H {Archived Link}

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

China offered armed Drones to the Philippines

As per Mon Tulfo whom the Duterte Administration appointed as a Special Envoy to China, China reportedly offered armed Drones to the Philippines at very reasonable prices and easy installment terms.

Nothing was mentioned in the article about which Drone China is offering, but one of them is likely their CH-4 Rainbow Drone which has been relatively successful in the export market so far.

The CH-4 though has had some bad Press lately, partly I feel is because of American Propaganda. One of its users for example, Jordan, has decided to sell off their inventory of CH-4 Drones but refusing the reason why.

The United States (US) then released a report of how the Iraqis were unable to maintain their CH-4 Drone inventory, but it turns out that the Iraqis also were unable to properly maintain their American-made ScanEagle Drones.

Take note that the CH-4 has been exported to many other countries like Nigeria, Zambia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, and Myanmar, and they don't seem to have had the same problems as Iraq or Jordan.

Our military needs high-flying Drones
Chinese 'Killer' Drones are falling out of style in the Middle East

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