Thursday, June 18, 2020

BRP Jose Rizal Crew Member Tested Positive for Covid-19

A member of the Crew of the BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) Frigate initially tested positive for the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) during a test last June 4, 2020, but the same Crew member tested negative during the second Confirmatory Test.

Despite the negative result of the second test, the whole Crew of the Ship will have to go thru a 14-day Quarantine Period. No information was given though on when the Quarantine Period will expire.

SOURCE: Philippine Navy Missile-Frigate Crew Member tests positive for COVID-19

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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

U.S. Government expressed “Concern” about Maria Ressa’s Conviction

The United States (US) Government has officially expressed its “concern” about the conviction of the Maria Ressa by a statement thru their State Department.

As far as I know, the US is the first and only Foreign Government that has officially done so as of now. In their statement, the US implied that Ressa’s conviction interfered with the Freedom of Expression in the Philippines.

Ressa, who is also an American Citizen, was convicted recently based on a Case filed by a Philippine Citizen.

SOURCE: On Press Freedom in the Philippines

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US Lawmakers again interfering with Philippine Internal Affairs – June 17, 2020

American Lawmakers are again interfering with the Philippines’ internal affairs, condemning the Duterte Administration and calling for the dropping of all charges against American Citizen Maria Ressa and that she be given all the opportunity to appeal the decision.

These Americans seem to be the first and only foreign Lawmakers that has so far publicly sided with Maria Ressa on the issue. The Lawmakers are Senators Edward J. Markey, Patrick Leahy and Dick Durbin.

They are all Democrats and also the same ones who called for the release of Senator Leila De Lima from Prison which lead to President Rodrigo Duterte to start the termination process of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the US.

These American Lawmakers also does not seem to understand that Ressa was convicted due to a Case filed by a Philippine Citizen and not by the Philippine Government, and that she does in fact can and intends to appeal the Verdict.

This is again another case of the Americans constantly interfering with Philippine Affairs, if the Philippines does something they do not like then they interfere and if we ignore them, it could lead to them filing sanctions against us.

SOURCE: Statement of Senators Markey, Durbin, and Leahy on the Conviction of Journalist Maria Ressa in the Philippines

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

China has already surpassed the US in Influence in SEA – CSIS Survey

A Research Organization based in Washington D.C. in the United States (US) called the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) released a Survey Report recently that indicated that China has already surpassed the US in terms of Political and Economic Influence in South East Asia (SEA).

According to the CSIS Report in terms of:

- 94.5% of SEA Respondents say that China is one of three Countries with Political Power and Influence in SEA while only 92% said the same thing.
- In Malaysia, 100% chose China while only 84.6% chose the US.
- In the Philippines, 97% chose China while 95% chose the US.

- 94.5% of SEA Respondents say that China is one of three Countries with Political Power and Influence in SEA 10 Years from now while only 77% said the same thing.
- In Thailand, 96.7% chose China while only 60% chose the US.
- In Malaysia, 100% chose China while only 77% chose the US.
- In Indonesia, 92.1% chose China while only 68.4% chose the US.
- In the Philippines, 92% chose China while only 82% chose the US.

- 98% of SEA Respondents say that China is one of three Countries with Economic Power and Influence in SEA now while only 70.6% said the same thing.
- 100% of Respondents from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam chose China while no SEA Country chose 100% for the US
- In the Philippines, 95% chose China while only 81% chose the US.

- 96% of SEA Respondents say that China is one of three Countries with Economic Power and Influence in SEA 10 years from now while only 56.7% said the same thing.
- 100% of Respondents from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam chose China while no SEA Country chose 100% for the US
- In the Philippines, 97% chose China while only 68% chose the US.

This shows that Countries in SEA with Territorial disputes with China like Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam recognize that China has more influence in the Region than the US.

You can access the report here: Powers, Norms,and InstitutionsThe Future of the Indo-Pacific froma Southeast Asia Perspective

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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Lee Kuan Yew said that the Philippines’ American Style Constitution is one of the most difficult for Governments to operate in

Original image by Dinhin Rakpong-Asoke thru Flickr.

In November 1992, the former Senior Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) gave a Speech in the Philippines wherein said that he didn’t think that South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore would’ve succeeded if they had to use the same American style Constitution that the Philippines is using.

He said that a Developing Country like the Philippines needed a STRONG and HONEST Government to implement Order and Development. The Philippines’ American style Government instead resulted in a WEAK President who has had to face GRIDLOCK on every major issue he or she faces.

He attributed the United States (US) success to their overabundance of resources and an underpopulated Continent and not because of their style of Constitution.

Below is the excerpt from LKY’s Speech where he mentioned the above items: 

One problem is the Philippines has an American-style constitution, one of the most difficult to operate in the world. There is a complete separation of powers between executive, legislature and judiciary. 

They wrote the constitution in 1787 and ratified it in 1789. They wanted a weak executive president. Having suffered at the hands of King George III of England, they wanted the opposite of a strong monarch. 

But a developing country faced with disorder and underdevelopment needs a strong honest government. A US-style constitution failed long before Marcos declared martial law. It was re-adopted in 1987 by President Aquino. 

The system worked in America because of a superabundance of resources and riches in a vast under-populated continent. I do not believe that Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Singapore could have succeeded as they have done if they had to work under such a constitution, where gridlock on every major issue is a way of life.

You can access a full transcript of LKY’s Speech here: Speech by Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, Senior Minister of Singapore, at the Philippine Business Conference on 18 Nov 92 in Manila at 7:20 pm

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Friday, June 12, 2020

BRP Davao Del Sur and BRP Ramon Alcaraz now in Manila Bay

The BRP Davao Del Sur (LD-602) Landing Dock (LD) and BRP Ramon Alcaraz (PS-16) Vessel of the Philippine Navy (PN) has arrived in the Philippines and are now in the Manila Bay.

The BRP Davao Del Sur is docked at the Manila South Harbor along with the BRP Gabriela Silang (OPV-8301) and BRP Tubbataha (MRRV-4401) Vessels of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).

The BRP Alcaraz on the other hand seems to be heading out of Manila Bay.

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Tarlac class, Del Pilar class and MPAC Mk 3 Vessel image from the PN Calendar

A Tarlac class Landing Dock (LD), Del Pilar class Vessel and a Spike ER missile armed Multi-Purpose Attack Craft (MPAC) Mk 3 of the Philippine Navy (PN).

Image taken from the PN 2020 Calendar

SOURCE: Philipine Navy 2020 Calendar

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