Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Nicaragua dropped its Case against the US

Screenshot of Herman's Laurel Post on Facebook about Carpio and Nicaragua
Screenshot of Herman's Laurel Post on Facebook about Carpio and Nicaragua

Herman Laurel in his recent Post hit it right on the spot. As for Antonio Carpio himself, he is an American Lackey, Kisser of American As*holes, ‘Pilipinong Aso ng Amerika’, Protector and Server of American Interests in the Philippines. 

Here is the link to the Article about Nicaragua dropping its Case against the United States (US) in 1992. Excerpts from the Article itself: 

The Court ruled in 1986 that the U.S. Government had violated International Law in its Proxy War against Nicaragua - including the CIA mining of its Harbors - and ordered damages to be paid, without specifying an amount. The Sandinista Administration had estimated to the Court that $17 billion in reparations was due, according to a recent Latinamerica Press Report by Paul Jeffrey.

But ever since President Violeta Chamorro took office in April 1990, the U.S. Government had pressured Nicaragua to drop the "David versus Goliath" Suit. And on September 12, the new Nicaraguan Government obliged by relieving the United States from its obligation to pay any damages from the war.

Within 24 hours of the official announcement of the decision to drop the case, a $55 million loan for Nicaragua was approved by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), over which the United States has extraordinary influence. The World Bank has announced it will grant a $110 million loan to Nicaragua.

Also, the U.S. Government has "forgiven" $259.5 million - or about 88 percent - of Nicaragua's debt to the United States as a further reward for the dropping of the World Court case.

* Official Herman Laurel Facebook Account Post, 04/21/21 - 1003H {Archived Link}

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