Sunday, August 1, 2021

My vaccination experience with J&J’s Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine

J&J's Janssen Vaccine for Covid-19, Photo from Wikimedia Commons
J&J's Janssen Vaccine for Covid-19, Photo from Wikimedia Commons

First of all, I would like to thank both the Local and National Governments for providing and facilitating my free vaccination for the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)

Actually I was hoping to get the CoronaVac Vaccine, but we couldn’t choose and so I got Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Ad26.COV2.S 1-shot Vaccine instead which was being offered that particular Day. 

‘Side Effects’
I did suffer some Side Effects after taking the shot, starting with a slight pain in the Injection Area which went away quickly after about half an hour. I also had a slight Headache when I got Home after the vaccination, but it, too went away after I took a Biogesic Tablet. 

But the Morning of the next Day, although I didn’t have a Fever, I felt some Body Pain like I was going to have one. I took Biogesic Tablets 3x a Day and Ascorbic Acid Capsules 1x a Day to help with the Symptoms (some of my Relatives are Pharmacists by the way, that’s why we know how to self medicate a little bit). 

Later in the Day though I my Temperature rose to 37.2 deg. C which is still below Fever but near it, and my Body Pain worsened. So I increased my Biogesic intake to once every 4 Hours and just ended up resting in Bed most of the time. 

The next Morning, the Symptoms were still there so I just continued with my Medications. However, by mid-Day my Body Temperature had dropped to below 37 deg. C and the Body Pain was gone, so it seems that the worse is over. 

‘Parting Shot’
In contrast, People I know who got the CoronaVac Vaccine and I asked only had light symptoms ranging from none at all to heaviness in the vaccinated Arm. 

Made me wonder how the Senior Citizens who I got vaccinated with the same Janssen Vaccine fared. Of course People have different Metabolisms hence will have different reactions to the Vaccines, with some faring better than others. 

Anyway, I still urge everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible. You may suffer some Side Effects, but hopefully it won’t last long like in my case. Also the Local Government gave us a number to call in case the Side Effects last for more than 3 Days. 

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