Tuesday, March 29, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 29, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Telegram “Maskirovka”
I just discovered the irritating way the Ministry of Defense (MoD) works when making Press Releases on Telegram

First is that they release an all Text only briefing, the type that is very boring to read and I personally tend to just ignore. 

And then 1 to 2 Posts later, they will release a Video, or Videos, but the descriptions will be vague so you don't really know what is going on. 

But, if you are attentive enough, you will find that the real Description of those Videos are really contained in the Text Press Release they made earlier as some Phrases match. 

Hay, naku. So many Videos I collected with vague descriptions since they insisted on separating the real descriptions in an earlier Post, susme.

That is the Russian "Maskirovka", LOL.  

* US trying to coerce China to drop Russia
China is not involved in the Russia-Ukraine War and yet the Senile Joe Biden is trying very hard to COERCE them to drop Russia. If that’s the case then let’s just World War Three (WW3) then so at least that United States (US) will finally be erased from the face of the Earth, along with everybody, LOL
SOURCE: Joe Biden warns Xi Jinping of ‘consequences’ if China backs Russia {Archived Link}

* Zelensky appears in front of a Green Screen
Ukraine’s Comedian President Volodymyr Zelensky was spotted a couple of Days ago appearing on Video in front of an obvious Green Screen. As early as two Weeks ago, a Russian Politician and a Ukrainian Opposition Politician had already said that Zelensky had left Ukraine and went to Poland 
SOURCE: Volodymyr Zelensky - Negoziati significativi sulla pace (19.03.22) {Archived Link}

* Ukraine running out of Weapons
Oops, somebody is running out of Weapons to use against Russia. As the Song goes, “And now, the end is near, so I face, the Final Curtain. My Friend, I’ll say it clear, I’ll state my Case, of which I’m certain …
SOURCE: Ukraine 'running out of Weapons' as other Countries 'fail to send promised Aid' {Archived Link}

* US continues to pressure India against Russia
The fakking Americans continue to put pressure on India to drop Russia. Well India has to decide soon whether it is going to be a Dog to the Americans like Japan and Australia or not. As I said before, India has more to gain siding with China and Russia, they can always work out their Territorial disputes with China …
SOURCE: US Prez Biden corners India over its Neutral Position on Russia over Ukraine {Archived Link}

* US makes preparing for use of Nuclear Weapons 
The United States (US) is now making Contingency Plans for the possible use of Nuclear Weapons during this ongoing War in Ukraine. Definitely not a good sign if they think it could be needed in this current Conflict ... 
SOURCE: US to consult Allies on "Contingency" of using Nuclear Weapons {Archived Link}

* Putin requires Unfriendly Countries to use Ruble for Gas
Russian President Vladimir Putin has come up with a List of Countries which he says are “Unfriendly” to Russia, then required them to use the Russian Ruble Currency if they want buy Gas from his Country. This will increase the use and therefore strengthen the Ruble while at the same time lessen the use and therefore weaken the United States (US) Dollar 
SOURCE: How Russia demanding Gas payment in Rubles will affect MidEast {Archived Link}

* Indonesia and Thailand concerned US could bully them next against Russia
Indonesia and Thailand has expressed concerns that the United States (US) will try to bully or coerce them to go against Russia, after the US tried to do the same with China. The US should learn to respect the Sovereignty of other Countries, instead of treating them like their Vassal States like the Philippines 
SOURCE: US threat to sanction China over Russia support is spooking other Nations in Asia {Archived Link}

* India tells UK Delegation not to bother to come
It looks like India is resisting very intense pressure from the West to go against Russia as it just told a Delegation from the United Kingdom (UK) who were supposed to visit India just to do that to not to bother to come at all. Go, India!!! Mabuhay kayo!!!
SOURCE: Rift over Ukraine exposed as high-powered UK Delegation to India called off {Archived Link}

* China objected to US attempt to remove Russia from G20
China objected to the United States’ (US) attempt to remove Russia from the G20 Intergovernmental Forum, saying that, “Russia is an important Member, and no Member has the right to expel another Country”
SOURCE: China says Russia is 'important' G20 Member, cannot be expelled by others {Archived Link}

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