Showing posts with label 2022 Russia-Ukraine War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022 Russia-Ukraine War. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, October 28, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* US’ GDP contracts for the 2nd straight Quarter in 2022, nears Recession 
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States (US) declined or grew at a Negative Rate for the second straight Quarter of this Year of 2022, putting them on the brink of an Economic Recession. The Negative Growth is mainly due to the Economic Sanctions they imposed on Russia which are now coming back and blowing up in Senile US President Joe Biden’s thick Face
SOURCE: United States recession fears grow as Economy contracts for second Quarter {Archived Link}

* Amnesty International says Ukraine uses Civilians as Human Shields
The International, Non-Governmental Human Rights Organization “Amnesty International (AI)” itself said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are endangering Civilians by setting up Military Bases in Residential Areas like Schools and Hospitals, and launching Attacks from Populated Civilian Areas. The Russians have been saying this for so long now and even showing Evidences, good that AI was willing to tell the truth and defy Western Propaganda 
SOURCE: Ukraine: Ukrainian Fighting Tactics endanger Civilians {Archived Link}

Friday, August 12, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, August 12, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Russia offers to sell Oil to the Philippines
Russia is willing to sell Oil to the Philippines, and we should rightfully buy it because the Filipino People should not be made to suffer just because the United States (US) and Europe insists on interfering with the Affairs of other Countries
SOURCE: Russia offers Oil to PH {Archived Link}

Sunday, June 26, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, June 26, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Zelensky complains the West isn’t giving them enough Help
Ukraine’s Comedian President Volodymyr Zelensky is now complaining that the West is not doing enough to help his Country win their War against Russia as his Government admits that it is having a difficult time against Russian Forces around the City of Severodonetsk
SOURCE: Zelenskyy to West: Help for Ukraine not enough {Archived Link}

* Balanced View of the War in Ukraine, 05/30/22
Here is a nice, balanced view of the ongoing War in Ukraine as of today, May 30, 2022. But I think it is wishful thinking for them to say that the West should give Ukraine 400 to 500 Howitzers they said is needed to effectively fight off the Russians
SOURCE: Russian victories fuel debate over course of War {Archived Link}

Saturday, May 28, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, May 28, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* EU still bought Usd 46 billion worth of Fuel from Russia
The Sanctions imposed on Russia by the West hasn’t made much difference so far as it turns out that the European Union (EU) is still buying Fuel from Russia to the tune of Usd 46 billion in the last two Months according to an Independent Study made by a Research Group 
SOURCE: Russia has made $66 billion from Fuel Exports since it invaded Ukraine - and the EU is still its biggest Buyer, Study finds {Archived Link}

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

US can’t even help its Neighbors in South America, how much more the Philippines?

Screenshot of the Article about the Mexican President criticizing the US about not helping South America
Screenshot of the Article about the Mexican President criticizing the US about not helping South America

The President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador criticized the United States (US) for very quickly sending Usd 30 billion in Aid to Ukraine while doing absolutely nothing to help eradicate Poverty and Joblessness in its neighboring Countries in South America.  

So imagine that, if the US can’t even help the Countries near it, how much more us here in the Philippines which is on the other side of the World? 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sniper Wali goes back to Canada, admits Ukraine is losing the War

Screenshot of the Article about Wali returning back to his home in Canada
Screenshot of the Article about Wali returning back to his home in Canada

Si Sniper Wali na waley na sa Ukraine, umuwi na ng Canada na bahag ang Buntot” (Sniper Wali is not in Ukraine anymore, he went back to his home in Canada with his Tail between his Legs). 

That is the News that the Western Press is trying very, very hard to ignore, hoping that nobody would notice. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, May 6, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Russia to earn more from Oil and Gas in 2022
Despite massive Sanctions from the West, Russia is expected to earn more from selling its Oil and Gas this Year (2022) due to high Prices and increased Trade with India and China. Russia is expected to earn Usd 320 billion from Oil and Gas in 2022, up by more than 33% compared to 2021
SOURCE: Russian Oil sales have gone up — not down — after massive Sanctions from the West {Archived Link}

Monday, May 2, 2022

Ukraine’s Air Force Command admits the “Ghost of Kyiv” is Fake

Screenshot of the Post made by Ukraine's Air Force Command admitting that the Ghost of Kyiv is Fake
Screenshot of the Post made by Ukraine's Air Force Command admitting that the Ghost of Kyiv is Fake

The official Air Force Command Facebook Page of Ukraine itself just admitted that the so-called “Ghost of Kyiv” is Fake. Now the manipulative and shamelessly biased Western Press is trying to ignore this or skirt around it, this is the reason why intentionally put up this Blog to point it out since they won’t. 

This is just another of the now long list of Fake News that Ukraine has been generating since Russia’s Military Action against them started. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Rumored Phase II Objectives of Russia’s Military Action in Ukraine

Rumored Phase II Objectives of the Russian Forces in Ukraine. Photo from the Intel Slava Z Telegram Page dated April 25, 2022
Rumored Phase II Objectives of the Russian Forces in Ukraine. Photo from the Intel Slava Z Telegram Page dated April 25, 2022

Here are supposed to be the Oblast or Regions/Provinces in Ukraine that are the Objectives of the Russian Forces to be under their control during the Second Phase or Phase II of their Military Action in Ukraine. This is of just a Rumor, Russia won’t be officially giving away what their true objectives are. 

I am not sure why the Kharkiv Region does not seem to be included in the List, it is either they don’t intend to take it or consider it be under their main control already. Kharkiv is the third largest Province in Ukraine and the Kharkiv City is the second largest City in Ukraine. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Putin cancels final Assault on Azovstal Plant, opts instead for Blockade and Bombardment

A Screenshot of the Article of Putin's decision to cancel the Assault on the Azovstal Plant
A Screenshot of the Article of Putin's decision to cancel the Assault on the Azovstal Plant

Russian President Vladimir Putin has canceled a planned final Assault on the Azovstal Steel Plant in the City of Mariupol to preserve the lives of Russian Troops and ordered instead to continue to blockade and bomb the Area. 

The Ukrainian Troops and Mercenaries still holed up in the Plant now have the choice to either Surrender, or die of Hunger or Bombardment. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 19, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Life slowly getting back to normal in Mariupol
Videos shown on the Intel Slava Z Telegram Account shows life in most of the areas that were liberated by Russia and its Allies in Mariupol slowly getting back to normal. 

Just some mopping up to do, some Ukrainians still holed up in some parts of the City cornered like Rats. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Disappointing “Yes” Vote by the Philippines to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council

The Breakdown of the Vote of Countries in the UN to suspend Russia from the UNHRC
The Breakdown of the Vote of Countries in the UN to suspend Russia from the UNHRC

I am VERY disappointed that the Philippines voted in favor of suspending Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

‘Bucha Fake News’
The vote came about because of the supposed Massacre of Russian Forces of Civilians in the City of Bucha which is just another of the long line of Fake News coming out of the Ukrainian Government, the same ones who brought you the “Ghost of Kyiv” and the “13 (supposedly) Dead Snake Island Border Guards”.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Russia using Manuever Warfare against numerically superior Ukrainian Forces – Scott Ritter

The first six Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

The next six Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

The last four Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

Scott Ritter, a former Intelligence Officer of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and a former Weapons Inspector of the United Nations (UN) shared an amazing Analysis on what is really going on in the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War that is unbiased and not touting the Western Propaganda Narrative as what the Western Press has been doing. 

‘Numerical Disadvantage’
First of all, he shares that while Russia is a much bigger Country in terms of Population compared to Ukraine (Russia has a Population of 144 million while Ukraine only has 44 million), they in fact have committed only a force of 200,000 Troops for their Military Action there.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

US warned India of “Consequences” if it pushes thru with Rupee-Ruble Trade

Screenshot of the US' interference on India's planned Rupee-Ruble Trade
Screenshot of the US' interference on India's planned Rupee-Ruble Trade

India was supposed to have come up with a Mechanism to directly trade with Russia’s Ruble Currency last Week, but it still hasn’t pushed thru up now. The Reason? The United States (US) is against it and has warned India that they will have to deal with consequences from them if they do that. 

So who’s interfering with a Country’s “Sovereignty” now? India has no quarrel with Russia, it is the US who has a quarrel with Russia, but now they are bullying or coercing India to take their side against Russia? 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Putin pushes out Rubles for Gas Plan – but only for a Day

Screenshot of the Article about Putin's Plan to accept only Rubles for Gas
Screenshot of the Article about Putin's Plan to accept only Rubles for Gas

Russian President Vladimir Putin had initially scheduled his Rubles for Gas Plan to be implemented on March 31, 2022, but is now pushing it out … But only for a Day, to today, April 1, 2022.

The Plan called for those Countries which were deemed to be “Unfriendly to Russia” be put on a List and be required to only buy Natural Gas from them using the Russian Ruble Currency. They will be required to open a Ruble Account with the Central Bank of Russia to do so. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 29, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Telegram “Maskirovka”
I just discovered the irritating way the Ministry of Defense (MoD) works when making Press Releases on Telegram

First is that they release an all Text only briefing, the type that is very boring to read and I personally tend to just ignore. 

And then 1 to 2 Posts later, they will release a Video, or Videos, but the descriptions will be vague so you don't really know what is going on. 

But, if you are attentive enough, you will find that the real Description of those Videos are really contained in the Text Press Release they made earlier as some Phrases match. 

Hay, naku. So many Videos I collected with vague descriptions since they insisted on separating the real descriptions in an earlier Post, susme.

That is the Russian "Maskirovka", LOL.  

* US trying to coerce China to drop Russia
China is not involved in the Russia-Ukraine War and yet the Senile Joe Biden is trying very hard to COERCE them to drop Russia. If that’s the case then let’s just World War Three (WW3) then so at least that United States (US) will finally be erased from the face of the Earth, along with everybody, LOL
SOURCE: Joe Biden warns Xi Jinping of ‘consequences’ if China backs Russia {Archived Link}

Monday, March 21, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 21, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Saudi Arabia, UAE Leaders ignore Biden
The Leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are now reportedly ignoring calls from United States (US) President Joe Biden about the ongoing Crisis in Ukraine. Both Countries are sore about Biden’s lack of support for the War in Yemen, and his ongoing negotiations with Iran for Oil
SOURCE: Saudi, UAE Leaders declined Calls with Biden amid Ukraine Conflict: Report {Archived Link}

* Pro-American Leaders starting to dominate in Asian Countries
Also notice that Australia, Japan and now South Korea are led by Leaders who are American A$$ Kissers. 

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is a devout, proud and shameless A$$ Kissing Dog of the Americans. 

AFAIK, Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is also Pro-US, notice how he is not anywhere as close to President Rodrigo Duterte as Shinzo Abe was. 

Then this new President Yoon Seok Youl seems to be another Pro-US Leader. 

It seems to me that the US is moving its Political and Propaganda Machinery to elect Pro-US Leaders in Asia, so BBM could be in danger of being cheated out, unless he Pledges loyalty to America. 

I wouldn't want him to, of course, I prefer a strong, independent Leader, so we need to be vigilant of what the US will do this coming Elections. 

Especially with the Russia-Ukraine War heating up and possibly expanding into a wider War that will involve China and Asia

* Russia accepts Volunteers against Ukraine 
Oops, Russia now accepting Volunteers also to fight Ukraine, but only from the Middle East. Anyway if that changes, I am interested, Rusiya, :D  
SOURCE: Putin says Russia to welcome Volunteers from Middle East to fight Ukraine {Archived Link}

* Ukrainian Nationalists prevented evacuation of Chernigov
A Video from a Russian Airborne Asset shows Ukranian Nationalists preventing Civilian Vehicles from evacuating the City of Chernigov along a Humanitarian Corridor, and forced them to go back to the City
SOURCE: Минобороны России Facebook Page Post, 03/11/22 -  {Archived Link}

* Polish Cities can’t accept any more Ukrainian Refugees
Polish Cities are now reaching their limits in terms of accepting Refugees from Ukraine. Once they close their Borders, the Refugees will now have to travel elsewhere to leave Ukraine
SOURCE: “We can’t take any more Refugees”: Polish Cities call on Government to seek EU and UN help {Archived Link}

* Denmark accepts Ukrainians, sends back Syrians
The Headline says it all: “Denmark opens its arms to Ukrainians, while trying to send Syrian Refugees home”
SOURCE: Denmark opens its arms to Ukrainians, while trying to send Syrian Refugees home {Archived Link}

* The Encirclement of Kiev
The ongoing Russian Military Operation to encircle the Ukrainian Capital of Kiev and cut if off from Supplies and Reinforcements
SOURCE: Putin attacks Cities including Dnipro and Lutsk as Locals experience attacks for the first time {Archived Link}

* Low Pay for Ukraine Volunteer Fighters
Are you volunteering to fight Russia for Ukraine? Then prepare for ...
- Only Eur 225 (Php 12,864 at Eur 1 = Php 57.17) per Month Salary;
- You cannot leave Ukraine until the War ends;
- Only a 5-Day Training Course before the Volunteers are sent to the Frontlines
SOURCE: Krieg in der Ukraine: Söldner sollen für 225 Euro im Monat töten - und sterben {Archived Link}

* Nigerian documents on Video Racism in Ukraine
Alexander Somto Orah, a Nigerian who studied in Ukraine, documented on Video the Racism he experienced while trying to leave that Country after the War started. Not surprising for a Country like Ukraine who allowed Neo-Nazis into their own Armed Forces
SOURCE: Nigerian Student says he faced discrimination while fleeing Ukraine  {Archived Link}

* Saudi Arabia could accept Oil Payments in Yuan
Saudi Arabia is reportedly considering accepting the Chinese Yuan as payment for its Oil, a move that will lessen the World’s dependence on the United States (US) Dollar. Saudi Arabia is unhappy with the current Biden Administration due to issues on Human Rights, Yemen and Iran
SOURCE: US Dollar's dominance in Oil Markets may face challenge as Saudis reportedly eye Yuan-based sales deal with China {Archived Link}

* Pakistan pushing thru building a Gas Pipeline to Russia
Pakistan is now going ahead with its plan to buy Natural Gas from Russia by building a Gas Pipeline to there. The Pipeline will be 1,100 km long, will have a capacity of 12.4 billion cubic meters of Natural Gas per Year and will be called the Pakistan Stream
SOURCE:  {Archived Link}

* Duterte resists Pressure for his Gov’t to side with Ukraine
It is great that President Rodrigo Duterte is resisting very intense pressure from the Americans and their Filipino Dogs for his Government to openly side with Ukraine
SOURCE: Duterte maintains ‘neutral’ stance on Russia-Ukraine conflict {Archived Link}

* The Indonesians support Russia in their War against Ukraine
It turns out that majority of the Indonesians are supporting Russia. The Americans should be very thankful then that there are Filipinos who are very much willing to be their Dogs, in other Countries like Indonesia, they are basically just ignored ... 
SOURCE: Why are Indonesians on Social Media so supportive of Russia? {Archived Link}

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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Not only is India still buying Oil from Russia, they are even buying more of it

Screenshot of the Article about India buying more Oil from Russia
Screenshot of the Article about India buying more Oil from Russia

The United States (US) and Europe has been pressuring India not only to stop buying Oil from Russia, but to sanction Russia as well like they did. 

However, not only is India resisting that pressure, but in fact even bought more Oil from Russia, buying four times more Oil just for this Month of March 2022 alone compared to the Monthly Average in 2021. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

The True Status of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War as of March 14, 2022

Here is a Must-Watch Interview of retired United States (US) Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor which to me reflects the true status of the ongoing War between Ukraine and Russia

Macgregor is a Veteran of the Gulf War, and he not only saw action there but also served with Distinction. You can Google yourself his exploits there, but meanwhile this is a portion of the Video of him during his Interview on the Show called "The Grayzone" with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Ukrainian Fake News on the Mariupol Maternity Hospital Bombing

This Video was posted by the official Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), and it was deleted from the American Social Media and News Outlets. I don't know if Facebook is even going to allow it. 

Anyway, this is Russia's official response to the supposed Bombing by them of a Maternity Hospital in the City of Mariupol

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