Saturday, March 19, 2022

Not only is India still buying Oil from Russia, they are even buying more of it

Screenshot of the Article about India buying more Oil from Russia
Screenshot of the Article about India buying more Oil from Russia

The United States (US) and Europe has been pressuring India not only to stop buying Oil from Russia, but to sanction Russia as well like they did. 

However, not only is India resisting that pressure, but in fact even bought more Oil from Russia, buying four times more Oil just for this Month of March 2022 alone compared to the Monthly Average in 2021. 

As I said before, India should just work out its Territorial Disputes with China and align with them and Russia instead. They have more to gain that way than allying themselves with the West. 

Territorial disputes can be worked out, just look at the Filipino Dogs of the Americans who are only angry if China is involved with the Philippines’ Territorial Disputes. 

If the dispute is Sabah, for example, they are more than happy to just give it away to Malaysia. Or Pugad Island to Vietnam. Or Itu Aba to Taiwan.

SOURCE: Russian Oil exports to India surge as Europe shuns Cargoes {Archived Link}

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