Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sniper Wali goes back to Canada, admits Ukraine is losing the War

Screenshot of the Article about Wali returning back to his home in Canada
Screenshot of the Article about Wali returning back to his home in Canada

Si Sniper Wali na waley na sa Ukraine, umuwi na ng Canada na bahag ang Buntot” (Sniper Wali is not in Ukraine anymore, he went back to his home in Canada with his Tail between his Legs). 

That is the News that the Western Press is trying very, very hard to ignore, hoping that nobody would notice. 

Too bad though that Wali was not killed in Ukraine and has gone back home to Canada. He did so because he himself knows and admitted that Ukraine is, indeed, losing the War against Russia

He wouldn’t be doing so if it were the other way around. He also said that he has not made a single kill in Ukraine, making his much hyped arrival there to be absolutely worthless as of now. 

At any rate, I do hope he goes back there if he is really that brave and face death against the Russian Forces. C’mon, Wali, prove that you’re not only good at murdering Sheep Herders in the Middle East

SOURCE: Return of the Sniper Wali | “War is a terrible disappointment” {Archived Link}

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