Tuesday, December 27, 2022

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Indonesia, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of Indonesia and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of Indonesia and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons

December 26, 2022: The Navies of the Philippines and Indonesia agreed to do even more joint Sea Border Patrols of at least once a Month next Year of 2023 as agreed upon by Committees from both Countries during a Meeting at the SMX Convention Center in Davao City recently 

December 19, 2022: The first China-made, Turbofan-powered Passenger Jetliner, the ARJ21 was recently delivered to its very first export Buyer, the TransNusa Airlines of Indonesia. Again this highlights the close relations between China and Indonesia despite having Territorial differences in the South China Sea (SCS)

November 18, 2022: China and Indonesia are set to resume Joint Military Training Exercises, so where are the “Indonesia is standing up to China” Fantasy Narrative of the Pinklawans who are shameless kissers of American A$$es? As for the Philippines, it seems that while we have no qualms about having Military Interactions with Countries who STOLE our Territories like Vietnam and Malaysia, suddenly we don’t do the same thing with China, probably because of the Propaganda urgings of the Americans and their Filipino Worshippers 

November 11, 2022: The Ark Peace Hospital Ship of China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is on an eight Day Goodwill Visit in Indonesia to provide Free Medical Services to Indonesians which includes Outpatient Clinics, Diagnosis and Treatment. The Ship will also conduct Medical Exchanges with Indonesian Hospitals 

November 4, 2022: Indonesia is acquiring the Khan Short Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM) from Turkey. It is a pretty powerful Missile with a Warhead of 470 kg and pretty accurate with a Circular Error Probability (CEP) of only 10 m using Satellite and Inertial Navigation System (INS) Guidance. Its Range is only around 280 km though

October 18, 2022: The Bullet Train System that China is building for Indonesia will be the fastest Train System in South East Asia (SEA) with a speed of up to 350 kph and is scheduled to start operations in June of 2023. The System will run from Jakarta to Bandung, will be 142 km long and costs Usd 7.8 billion

August 5, 2022: China has started shipping to Indonesia the first Sets of the High Speed Trains for the High Speed Railway Line they are building between the Cities of Bandung to Jakarta in Indonesia. This will be the FIRST ever High-Speed Railway or “Bullet Train” Line in South East Asia (SEA). And what are we getting out of our Partnership with our Ally the United States (US) again that their very shallow Filipino Dogs are so “Proud” about? “Training” ‘lang’? LMAO

August 10, 2022: Indonesia’s Economic Partnership with China remains stronger than ever as the Chinese Electric Vehicle (EV) Wuling Air is now being made in West Java, Indonesia. It is a bit pricey though starting at Php 935k for the Basic Model. Now let’s ask the Americans and their Filipino Dogs, will there be any American EV that will be built here in the Philippines, hmm? No? Just endless hyping and ranting against “China”? 

July 26, 2022: Indonesian President Joko Widodo recently made a State Visit to China where he held Friendly Talks as both Countries vowed to boost Bilateral Ties including Trade. China is Indonesia’s biggest Trading Partner, with a total of Usd 124.3 billion in Trade between them last Year in 2021

June 30, 2022: The China CAMC Engineering Company will construct the Jenelata Dam in Indonesia which is worth Usd 290 million. The Dam will be 1.5 km long, 64 m high and will be able to irrigate 24,400 ha of Soil when completed. So is Indonesia now a “Province of China”? LOL. But seriously, I have seen some Articles which seems to show that the United States (US) is also hard at work with their Propaganda to swing Indonesia over to their side
SOURCE: China and Indonesia sign Dam building Contract worth $290 million {Archived Link}

April 27, 2022: Indonesia and China recently vowed to enhance cooperation between them in terms of tackling Transnational Crimes. Both Countries also ratified a Treaty to provide Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

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