Saturday, January 27, 2024

The 2024 US Government vs. Texas Border Crisis

Washington Examiner:  Everything to know about the Texas-Biden Border Impasse
Washington Examiner:  Everything to know about the Texas-Biden Border Impasse

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If you are not aware yet, there is an ongoing Crisis in the United States (US) right now between the State of Texas and the Administration of Joe Biden

The Problem started when as soon as Biden set foot in the White House back in 2021, he immediately reversed most of the Immigration Policies that were made by by his Predecessor Donald Trump

This has resulted in a huge amount of illegal Immigrants going thru the Southern Borders of the US and several States has been affected, particularly Texas. It is estimated that since 2021, 160,000 to 270,000 People have entered non-stop the US illegally per Month.

So Texas started putting Circular Fences made out of Razor Wire on some Parts of their Borders to try to stop the flow of these Illegal Immigrants from coming in, but the US Border Patrol Agents under Biden has been cutting and dismantling them. 

This Month of January 2024, Texas finally installed more Fences to protect the Razor Wire Fences and also forbade the Border Agents from dismantling the Razor Fences in an Area called "Eagle Pass". 

The US Supreme Court has sided with the Biden Administration by saying that it has the right to cut or remove those Wires, but two dozen States have gone out and given their support to the State of Texas. 

So now there is a Stand Off, if the Border Guards insist on removing the Fences then violence could occur between them and the Texas Law Enforcement Personnel which may eventually lead into a Civil War. 

On the other Hand, if Biden stands down then he could lose a lot of Political Mileage since his Policies would end up being revealed as being wrong all along. 

At any rate this is a Lose-Lose Situation for Biden, and one big Reason why Donald Trump is now leading the Surveys for the coming Elections later this Year. 


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