Saturday, December 14, 2024

The United States (US) and the World, 2024-2025

March 1, 2025: Norwegian Company refused refueling of US Navy Submarine, Trump may decommit or even leave NATO as per International Observers
One of Norway's largest Refueling Companies, "Haltbakk Bunkers" just announced that it will no longer refuel Vessels of the United States Navy (USN) due to the very Public Argument between the United States (US) President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently, which I assume you have all already seen. 

And the first Casualty of that seems to have been the USS Delaware (SSN-791) Attack Submarine which attempted to refuel in Norway, but was rejected and had to turn back. The USS Delaware is Nuclear-Powered, but it does need Diesel Fuel also for its Auxiliary Generator. 

This to me signals the widening Disagreement betwen Trump and Europe, and I think that Trump will soon make a major Decommitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). At worst, he will leave NATO altogether, or at the very least he will pull most US Forces from Europe except from one or two Countries as is being speculated right now by International Observers.

Which I think is just about right, NATO is an obsolete Organization, and without the Soviet Union, it has just become a Tool for the US Leftist Liberals to manipulate Countries into the Side of the West, making the forced installation of a Pro-West Government in Ukraine, which led to Russia attacking a Country that was being Militarily Allied to the West at its Borders. 

Just imagine, it would be just like Canada or Mexico which are right in the US’ Borders, ally themselves Militarily with China and/or Russia. 

January 17, 2025: Trump reveals good Telephone Conversation with Xi 
The newly elected President Donald Trump who is about to be inaugurated very soon posted on the "Truth Social" Social Media Site about how he recently had a “very good” Telephone Call Conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Here is what he posted:

"I just spoke to Chairman Xi Jinping of China. The Call was a very good one for both China and the U.S.A. It is my expectation that we will solve many Problems together, and starting immediately. We discussed balancing Trade, Fentanyl, TikTok, and many other Subjects. President Xi and I will do everything possible to make the World more peaceful and safe!"

Of course Trump, just like our former President Rodrigo Duterte, was just using his Charm Tactics in dealing with Xi. However, this again shows that when it comes Foreign Diplomacy, and in particular China, you just cannot use one, inflexible and confrontational Approach, you have to be PRAGMATIC, first and foremost, something which the current Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) currently lacks. 

This lack of “Pragmatism” is one of the main Reasons why this Country of ours continue to lack PROGRESS, and up to now is still the “Basket Case” or Laggard Country even in South East Asia (SEA) only where all of our SEA are heading to great success, except our Country ...

Here is the Link to the Post of Donald Trump on his Account on “Truth Social”: 

January 11, 2025: Mark Zuckerberg called out Biden for pressuring him to Censor Facebook
With the outgoing United States (US) President Joe Biden very soon to be out of Office, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of “Meta Platforms, IncorporatedMark Zuckerberg said during his Interview at "The Joe Rogan Experience" Podcast that Biden's Administration Officials would call to scream and curse at him and his Staff to remove Content they didn't like on Facebook and Instagram

Zuckerberg himself said, "Basically, these People from the Biden Administration would call up our Team and, like, scream at them and curse. It just got to this point where we were like, 'No, we're not gonna, we're not gonna take down Things that are true. That's ridiculous."

Zuckerberg did admit giving in to these Demands by the Biden Administration, but regretted them, ultimately saying, "We made some Choices that, with the benefit of Hindsight and new Information, we wouldn’t make Today."

One Example Zuckerberg pointed out was a Meme about Leonardo Di Caprio pointing at a TV Screen advertising a Class Action Lawsuit for People who once took the Corona Virus Vaccine. "They're like, 'No, you have to take that down. We said, 'No, we're not gonna, we're not to take down Humor and Satire. We're not gonna take down Things that are, that are true.'"

I know for a Fact as reported in other News Articles that Biden frequently called Zuckerberg to the White House every couple of Months, probably to make sure that he keeps following their Directives. Makes me wonder now what other “Things” that Biden made could come out of the Biden Administration, like certain “Deals” with certain People, hmm? LOL

January 10, 2025: Wooden Houses in the US makes them more vulnerable to Missiles
I think everybody or at least most have already heard, watched or read about the devastating Fires that destroyed so many Homes out there recently in California in the United States (US). One main Reason for that is because apparently, majority of the Houses in the US is made of Wood.

Which I think is a bit crazy because most of the World have moved on from building Wooden Houses. Even here in the Philippines, majority of Homes are made out of Concrete, especially in the Cities. It seems that Americans still prefer to build Houses made of Wood because it is faster and easier to build, cheaper to repair if damaged, costs less and Wood is more readily available, and Taxes are lower for Wooden Houses. 

However, the Downside of course is that it also burns more easily. I think that somewhere out there, the Chinese, Russians and North Koreans are now smiling at this Realization. They don’t even have to send Nuclear Missiles into the Mainland US, Missiles armed with Conventional Warheads will likely do significant damage already in Cities there where Wooden Houses are prevalent. 

And all the more if they indeed send Nuclear Missiles there, the Effect would be the same as in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan during World War Two (WW2) when most of the Houses then there were also made of Wood. 

January 7, 2025: Facebook does away with Fact Checking System, a big blow to the Pinklawans in the Philippines
Two Weeks to go before newly elected President of the United States (US) Donald Trump sits into Power and changes are already happening for the better. One is when the US Company "Meta Platforms Incorporated" surprisingly announced recently that it is ending its "Fact Checking Program" on its Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Threads, and replacing it with a Community driven System similar to what is being done at another Social Media Platform, "X".

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said that the move was done as they are now prioritizing more Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Speech. Zuckerberg is also likely trying to repair his Company's Relations with Trump, who was banned on Facebook in 2021. 

This again is a very big blow to the Pinklawans, who have been dominating the Fact Checking Program on Faceboook in the Philippines. This also shows how big a difference is Trump from the Liberal Democrats in the US who the Pinklawans are allied with and bow to. 

I think this will make Facebook a lot more interesting than it is now, and will lessen the Shadow Banning of ordinary Pages and Accounts just because they are not allied to the Pinklawans and the Liberal Democrats. 

January 5, 2025: Trump reportedly plans to impose Sanctions to effectively paralyze the ICC 
The News Publication "Israel Hayom" recently revealed that newly elected President Donald Trump reportedly plans to implement devastating Sanctions against the International Crime Commission (ICC) immediately after taking office in January 20, 2025, and the Executive Orders could be released as soon as the next Day on January 21, 2025. 

The US is doing this to try to pressure the ICC to withdraw its Arrest Warrants against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, which the Trump Administration sees as a Direct Threat to US National Security since Israel is the US' most reliable Ally in the Middle East. 

Trump also reportedly thinks that the ICC could target his Administration next after Israel. Trump will reportedly designate the ICC like a Terrorist Organization, imposing severe Restrictions on anyone involved with the Court's Operations. 

Financial Institutions Worldwide could be required to terminate their Relationships with the ICC or face Sanctions themselves. This will likely cause the Institution and its Individuals to be unable to perform routine Banking Operations or use Credit Cards. US-based Assets of the ICC and its Personnel will also be frozen (ahem, this reminds me of somebody and his Family, cough, cough).   

This Report is, of course, unconfirmed, but so far Trump's Side has not issued any Public Denial of it, indicating that there may be some truth to it. If this happens, then the Pinklawan's dream of having former President Rodrigo Duterte hauled before the ICC will suffer a very big setback. 

For one, it means they cannot rely on the US to provide any direct support for such an Activity, and any indirect support from the US will be weak, if any. Worse is that the ICC as an Organization would be paralyzed and unable to do their Job, and probably could even be dissolved as a Result. 

Here is the Link to the Article at the “Jewish” Website:

December 12, 2024: Trump invites Xi Jinping to his Inauguration
The newly elected President of the United States (US) Donald Trump has reportedly invited China's President Xi Jinping to his Inauguration next Month of January 2025. He is said to have made the Invitation last Month in November 2025 shortly after winning the Election. 

But Xi is unlikely to attend as no Foreign Leader has ever attended the Inauguration of a US President, usually Ambassadors are the only ones who are sent to attend it. Still, the Fact that Trump made the Invitation to Xi is a big Deal already because for me it shows that he doesn't see China just as a Villain, it's all just Business or Work for him. 

It makes me wonder though if Trump made a similar Invitation also to Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) who as President of the Philippines, has been pretty subservient to the current and outgoing President of the US, Joe Biden

Here is the Link to the Article on the “CBS News” Website: 

December 9, 2024: Trump will take US out if NATO doesn’t pay their share of the Bill
The newly elected President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, recently said during an Interview with NBC News that he could take his Country out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) if they don't pay their share of the Bill for the Organization. 

Quoting Trump himself, "NATO [European Nations] has taken advantage of us [US] on Trade. They don’t take our Cars, they don’t take our Food Products, they don’t take anything. It’s a disgrace. On Top of that, we defend them, so it’s a double-whammy.

I was able to get hundreds of billions of Dollars put into NATO just by a tough attitude. I said to the Countries: I am not gonna protect you unless you pay, and they started paying, and that amounted to more than 600 billion Dollars.

If they [Allies] are paying their Bills, and if I think they are treating us fairly, the answer is: absolutely, I will stay with NATO.

However, if the Allies did not pay their Dues, Trump said he would “absolutely” consider withdrawing the US from NATO.

My Opinion: If NATO and the US does part Ways, it will leave both Sides weaker, but probably more so for NATO. It will also make NATO less likely to confront Russia, which is what I think Trump wants in the End, to have a safer World that will have less Wars.

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