Showing posts with label China's Navy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China's Navy. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2020

China now has the World’s Largest Navy as per US Defense Report

The United States (US) Department of Defense (DOD) released a Report to the US Congress recently titled “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2020”, and below are some of its highlights:

* China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is now the largest Navy in the entire world with approximately 350 Ships and Submarines of which over 130 are Major Surface Combatants. In comparison, the US Navy only has approximately 293 Ships as of early 2020; 

Monday, June 1, 2020

China has surpassed Japan in terms of Seapower – US Think Tank

A research organization based in the United States (US) called the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) has published a report that says China has already surpassed Japan in terms of Maritime Power.

The organization based this on a number of factors, among which are:

* In terms of Surface Combatants (Carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates and Corvettes), as of 2020, the China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has around 125 while the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) only has around 50. The difference in favor of China is more than twice.

* In terms of Offensive Missiles and Vertical Launch System (VLS) Missiles on Surface Combatants, as of 2020 the PLAN has around 3,300 while the JMSDF only has around 1,600. The difference again in favor of China is more than twice.

* The PLAN’s Anti-Ship Missiles also outrange those of the JMSDF, with the PLAN’s YJ-62 (278 km) and YJ-18 (537 km) versus the JMSDF’s Harpoon (124 km) and Type 90 (150 km). The difference in favor of China is up to more than 3 times.

* In terms Submarines, the PLAN has at least 62 as of 2020 while Japan only has 21. The difference in favor of China is almost 3 times.

SOURCE: Dragon against the Sun: Chinese Views of Japanese Seapower

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Chinese Navy launched 28 Naval Vessels in 2019

People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Ships launched in 2019 by 龙龑之

As per the a Chinese account on Twitter named 龙龑之 (Long Zhizhi in English), China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) launched a total of 28 Naval Vessels in 2019, broken down to as follows:
- 16 Type 056A Corvettes
- 8 Type 052D Destroyers
- 2 Type 055 Destroyers
- 1 Type 071 Landing Platform Dock
- 1 Type 075 Landing Platform Dock

In contrast, our Philippine Navy (PN) only launched two Ships last year (2019). Then again, few countries on Earth can match China’s recent Shipbuilding Program, I’m not even sure if the United States (US) can match them in terms of the number of Ships launched this year.

Link to the original Tweet: 龙龑之 Tweet on Dec. 20, 2019 - 2154H

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