Showing posts with label Facebook Troll Attacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook Troll Attacks. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Troll Army Attack on Facebook Page – April 17, 2022

Screenshot of Facebook's Censoring my Page after a Troll Army Mass Reported one of my Comments a couple of Weeks ago
Screenshot of Facebook's Censoring my Page after a Troll Army Mass Reported one of my Comments a couple of Weeks ago

A Troll Army attacked my Facebook Page again today, I know it is one because they went thru every single Post and Comment I made and found one that I posted a couple of Weeks ago that they could Mass Report and take down. 

I managed to sneak in a Post before Facebook’s ban kicked in, but I won’t be able to make another one until tomorrow, Monday, April 18, 2022. 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Facebook 1-Day Suspension, April 3, 2022

Screenshot of the "Time" I spent on Facebook Jail recently, LOL
Screenshot of the "Time" I spent on Facebook Jail recently, LOL

I'm back after a Comment of mine on the Main Page was Mass Reported by Groups and Facebook suspended me for 24 Hours. 

It looks like me tinamaan dun sa "Filipino Dogs of the Americans" na Comment ko. 'Masakit ba, ha?' (Did it hurt)? LOL. Don't worry, I will do more it soon. 

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