Showing posts with label Ligao Island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ligao Island. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2022

US approves extension of Runway on Taiping Island stolen by Taiwan from the Philippines

Infographic about the planned extension of the Runway at the Ligao Island. Image by the UDN Website
Infographic about the planned extension of the Runway at the Ligao Island. Image by the UDN Website

Fake Nationalists and Filipino Dogs of the Americans constantly talk about how China is supposedly taking away Territory from the Philippines, but only against China and never other Countries who have done the same. 

Like Taiwan, for example. Taiwan stole from the Philippines what they now call as Taiping Island. Internationally it is known as Itu Aba also, and the Philippines itself has a name for it and calls it as Ligao Island

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