Showing posts with label South East Asia (SEA) and China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South East Asia (SEA) and China. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, November 25, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
A Frigate of the Vietnamese Navy went to China to participate in a Naval Exercise there; China helped Indonesia build the largest Solar Power Plant in South East Asia (SEA) and will also help Indonesia develop Wind-powered Power Plants, and a Joint Television (TV) Production of both Countries started its first Broadcast; And another Chinese Company is putting up a Usd 200 million Factory in Malaysia to produce Pharmaceutical Products in this Edition of the rest of SEA’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, November 25, 2023

* November 8, 2023: The Quang Trung (HQ-016), one of the Gepard 3.9 class Guided Missile Frigates of the Vietnam People's Navy (VPN) left the Port of Cam Ranh recently to attend a Joint Naval Exercise "Peace and Friendship 2023" with the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) in Guangdong, China. The Exercise is expected to promote Peace, Stability, Cooperation and Development among the two Countries:

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, November 11, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
Vietnam's Agricultural Exports to China has already reached Usd 6.2 billion in the first nine Months of 2023 as both Countries vowed to even enhance even more their Military Cooperation and Exchanges. Both Vietnam and China also started allowing Tourist Vehicles to pass thru the Borders of their Countries; A Chinese Carmaker opened it first Electric Vehicle (EV) Factory in Thailand as Thailand asks to speed up the construction of the China-Thailand Railway which will be under China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Program in this Edition of the rest of SEA’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, November 11, 2023

* October 22, 2023: Vietnam's Agricultural Exports to China has already hit a record Usd 6.2 billion in Terms of Value from January to September of 2023, which consists of Durian (Usd 1.5 billion), Rice (Usd 500 million), Cashew (Usd 434 million) and Coffee (Usd 101 million). Vietnamese Officials credit the rise in Value due to the recent signing of Export Protocols which allowed certain Fruits like Durian and Vegetables to be exported to China thru Official Quotas rather than just Border Trade. These Exports are expected to even increasd in the coming Quarter when consumption is expected to rise even higher. Vietnam is also set to export Coconuts to China soon:

Monday, October 30, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 30, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China

Another Chinese Vehicle Company will make Malaysia as their Hub for Exports in South East Asia (SEA) while another Chinese Solar Photo Voltaic Cell Company is investing Usd 380 million to put up a Factory there; Vietnam’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs visited China and said that her Country “Treasures” its ties with China while their President told Xi Jinping himself that Vietnam’s relations with China is their “Top Priority” as a Chinese Company making Smart Electronics will put up a Usd 50 million Factory there in this Edition of the rest of SEA’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 30, 2023

* October 12, 2023: The China Company “Dongfeng Motor Industry Import and Export Company, Limited” recently signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) with the Vehicle Importers and Traders Association of Malaysia (PEKEMA) that will make Malaysia as the Hub for their Exports in the SEA Region. This will provide Innovative and Environmentally-Friendly Transportation Solutions, boost Economic Growth and provide more Employment Opportunities for Malaysia:

* October 17, 2023: The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Hang said that her Country, "... attached much importance to its Friendly Neighbourliness and Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership with China ..." recently during her visit to the Chinese City of Chongqing:

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 18, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China

Malaysia is pursuing more strongly its De-Dollarization efforts as a Chinese Company is developing a new Industrial Park for Electric Vehicles (EV) there; China added a new stop in Thailand for its Sea Route to the Persian Gulf; Chinese and Singaporean Legislators met recently to improve “Political Trust";  and others; And China starts its Cold-Chain Freight Train operations to Laos and Vietnam in this Edition of the rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 18, 2023

* October 10, 2023: Malaysia now pushing more strongly towards lessening its reliance on the United States (US) Dollar (or the so-called “ De-Dollarization”) as it will now use more of its Local Currency, the Malaysian Ringgit, when trading with China, its largest Trading Partner, and also with Thailand. This was announced by no less than the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim himself during his recent Speech to the Malaysian Parliament:

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 7, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

A Chinese Naval Training Vessel visits while another Chinese Company will be building two Nickel Plants in Indonesia worth Usd 750 million; Vietnam’s Fruit and Vegetable exports to China already reached Usd 2 billion this Year of 2023 while another Chinese Solar Cell Company will be building their third Factory in Vietnam worth Usd 400 million; And Thailand expects to attract millions of Chinese Tourists and earn billions with its Visa-free Policy for China in this Edition of the South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 7, 2023

* September 18, 2023: The Chinese Naval Training Ship Qi Jiguang which visited the Philippines several Months ago recently docked at the Port of Surabaya in Indonesia for a Goodwill visit there. This is the Ship's first time to visit Indonesia, and one thing I noticed in the Jiguang’s Visit there that they didn't do in the Philippines is conduct joint Naval Training Manuevers at Sea:

* September 18, 2023: Vietnam's Fruit and Vegetable Exports to China (composed mainly of Durians, Mangoes, Dragon Fruits and Bananas) increased reached Usd 2 billion just in the first seven Months of 2023, a 128% increased compared to the same Period in 2022:

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 23, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

A Chinese Company is building a Nickel Plant in Indonesia and another Chinese Company Geely has agreed to help Indonesia develop its first Electric Vehicle (EV); After the United States (US) President Joe Biden’s visit to Vietnam, Vietnam called for more Railway Projects with China and announced that they are now China’s largest Trading Partner in South East Asia (SEA); And an Airline in Brunei is buying 30 units of China’s own Commercial Transport Aircraft in this Edition of the South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 23, 2023

* September 14, 2023: The Chinese Company "Gotion High Tech Company Limited" is going on a Joint Venture with an Indonesian Company to build a High-Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) Plant in Sulawesi, Indonesia that can produce up to 120,000 tons of Nickel that are to be used in Batteries for EVs:

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 16, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

Another Chinese Company is building an Automotive Factory in Thailand; Indonesia is inviting China to invest in their Water Infrastructure; Chinese Troops arrive in Singapore for a Joint Military Training; Another Chinese Company is investing Usd 500 million to build a Factory in Vietnam, and an All-Police Band goes Viral in Malaysia for singing a Chinese Song in this Installment of the South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 16, 2023

* September 4, 2023: The Chinese Automotive Company Chery International plans build an Electric Vehicle (EV) Factory in Thailand, this will be third Factory in South East Asia (SEA) after Indonesia and Malaysia. The Factory will start Production in 2024-2025 with an initial Production Capacity of 18,000 Units per Year and then reaching 100,000 Units per Year by 2028-2030:

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 10, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

Indonesia is now a favorite Destination of Chinese Tourists and has now formed a Task Force to intensify their De-Dollarization Efforts; The First Phase of the China-Thailand Railway is now one-fourth complete while Chinese Troops have arrived in Thailand for a Joint Naval Training; And a Chinese Computer Company is investing Usd 366 million in Malaysia in this Installment of the South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 10, 2023
* August 28, 2023: Indonesia has become a favorite Destination of Chinese Tourists after they recently topped the List of International Visitors to that Country. Chinese Tourists find Indonesia affordable, and usually visits their Beaches, Forests and Mountains. Another top Attraction for these Tourists are the Chinatown in the Indonesia’s Capital, Jakarta:

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 2, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

Malaysians will be given more Scholarship Opportunities by China and the Railway that China is building in Malaysia is now almost halfway complete; A Chinese Nickel Company has started Production in Indonesia; A Chinese Automotive Company is investing Usd 285 million to build a Factory in Thailand and a Chinese Display Panel Company is expanding its Factory in Vietnam in this Edition of the South East Asia (SEA) and China Series, “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 2, 2023

* August 22, 2023: China’s Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing said that more Scholarships will be given by both the Central and Local Chinese Governments to Malaysian Students who intend to further their College or University Education in China. The Ambassador also noted the high Quality of Students from Malaysia, citing Data from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University which showed how six out of ten of their Top Students were Malaysian:

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, August 23, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

Thailand and Laos are both benefiting from the increased Trade brought about by the China-Laos Railway; Thailand signed their THIRD Mini-Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with a Chinese Province; Indonesia confirmed that they interested in joining the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) Group of Economies; A Chinese Naval Destroyer Vessel visited Malaysia, and their Trade with China was worth Usd 204 billion in 2022 in this Installment of the South East Asia (SEA) and China Series, “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, August 23, 2023

* August 16, 2023: Both Thailand and Laos are benefiting from the China-Laos Railway which started Operations in December 2021 as travel time from Thailand to China from the previous two Days by Road to only 15 hours now. As a Result, Thailand’s export of Durian to China has increased by 365% in the first five Months of this Year of 2023 compared to the previous Year. Laos is also benefiting from Trade and Tax Opportunities offered by the Railway:

* August 17, 2023: Thailand just signed a Mini-Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the Chinese Province closest to them, Yunnan. It only takes 4-5 hours to reach Thailand from Yunnan, and the Trade Volume between them in 2022 was already worth Usd 2.3 billion. Thailand also has Mini-FTAs with two other Chinese Provinces, Hainan and Shenzhen:

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, August 19, 2023

Montage of Headlines of China's Positive Relations with China
Montage of Headlines of China's Positive Relations with China

Thailand makes it easier and faster for Chinese Tourists to get Visas as they go into a Military Exercise with China; Malaysia to enhance its Diplomatic Engagements with China as they also receive a Usd 650 million Investment from them into their Digital Sector; and Vietnam assures China of its “One-China” Policy in this Installment of the South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, August 19, 2023

* August 11, 2023: Thailand is providing Chinese Tourists more convenient access to Visas into their Country by shortening the Approval Process to only seven Days and simplifying the Required Documents to only six Types. This is expected to boost the entry of Chinese Tourists into Thailand even more. Note that as of this writing, the number of Tourists into Thailand has already reached 80,000 per Day, and that Total Number of Visitors have already reached 16 million, with China having being the second-most number of Tourists into their Country:

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, August 12, 2023

The Montage of the News of China's good Relations with the rest of SEA
The Montage of the News of China's good Relations with the rest of SEA

(China builds Transmission Lines in Thailand, assembles EVs in Indonesia, builds more Factories and establishes more Train Access in Vietnam in this Installment of South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, August 12, 2023)

Due to “Insistent Public Demand", :D, I have decided to start a new Type of Post where I report all of the GOOD News relations between China and the rest of South East Asia (SEA). These Types of News are intentionally being SUPRESSED by the mainly Pro-United States (US), Anti-China Main Stream Media (MSM) in the Philippines, so as an Independent Blogger I am now bringing them all to you. And here they are: 

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