Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2020

Indonesian Suicide Bomber should be jailed for the rest of her Life in the Philippines

The Indonesian Suicide Bomber Rezky Fantasya Rullie or Cici, Photo by the Official Facebook Page of the 11th Infantry Alakdan Division of the Philippine Army (PA)
The Indonesian Suicide Bomber Rezky Fantasya Rullie or Cici, Photo by the Official Facebook Page of the 11th Infantry Alakdan Division of the Philippine Army (PA)

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) said that it plans to deport Rezky Fantasya Rullie or Cici back to Indonesia for Terrorism, Illegal Entry and for being an Undesirable Alien, but only after she serves her Jail Term if indeed she is convicted and sentenced here in the Philippines

Cici is facing several Criminal Cases and I hope she will be sentenced to a very long time in Jail here in the Philippines. I think that she should be treated like a Mass Murderer or Serial Killer and should even in fact spend the rest of her Life in Jail because if not, she could just go out and continue her plan to be a Suicide Bomber. 

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