Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Biden to defend the Senkaku Islands, won’t do the same with the Kalayaan Island Group

Screenshot of the Nikkei Asia Article about Biden defending the Senkaku Islands
Screenshot of the Nikkei Asia Article about Biden defending the Senkaku Islands

United States (US) President Joe Biden has committed to defending the Senkaku Islands which Japan is claiming to be theirs. Do you see the US doing the same thing for the Philippines’ claimed Islands in the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) in the South China Sea (SCS)

The Answer is a big NO, because they DO NOT RECOGNIZE those Islands as belonging to the Philippines. What the US will commit to is defending are Philippine Forces within those Islands, but those forces can be recalled, just like what they did in 2012 in Panatag Shoal for example when they forbade former President AbNoy Panot Benigno S. Aquino III from sending Ships back to the Area.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Philippine Army, to build Facilities for Drones in Luzon and Mindanao!

The Video is in Filipino but has English Subtitles, just turn the Closed Caption (CC) Function on and choose English

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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Harpoon Missile Coastal Defense System, could be bought by the Philippine Marines?

The Video is in Filipino but has English Subtitles, just turn the Closed Caption (CC) Function on and choose English

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Saturday, October 2, 2021

MDT should’ve been reviewed BEFORE the termination of the VFA was stopped

A Screenshot of Sun Star Manila's Article on Lorenzana, the MDT and the Chinese Envoy
A Screenshot of Sun Star Manila's Article on Lorenzana, the MDT and the Chinese Envoy

I wonder why Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana would say something like this now, what is his objective in revealing this? Is it to say that he listens to China’s advice? I don’t think so, because everybody knows he is an “American Boy” or “Amboy”. 

So I think he is trying to put the blame on China why the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) was not renewed, which is absolutely funny, because it is obvious that the MDT should’ve been reviewed BEFORE the terminiation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) was stopped. 

Bloomberg’s Bullshi* Report saying the Philippines is the Worst Place to have Covid-19

A Screenshot of Bloomberg's Bullshi* "Resilience Ranking" Article
A Screenshot of Bloomberg's Bullshi* "Resilience Ranking" Article

The American News Publication Blooomberg released a bullshi* Report on the “Best” and “Worst” Places to have Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), and out of the 53 Countries it ranked, it put the Philippines as “Worst”. 

To me this is just the usual American Propaganda targeting Rodrigo Duterte’s Administration because they don’t like him as he is not “Politically Correct”, and has friendly ties with China

Friday, October 1, 2021

No deliveries in September, will the T129 Helicopters be delivered instead within 2021?

The Video is in Filipino but has English Subtitles, just turn the Closed Caption (CC) Function on and choose English

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Funding for 3 more C130J Aircraft, endorsed to the National Budget by the House Speaker in Congress!

The Video is in Filipino but has English Subtitles, just turn the Closed Caption (CC) Function on and choose English

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