Sunday, November 5, 2023

Communist Vietnam now the 6th largest Trading Partner of the US; US “Ally” Philippines only 31st Global: Vietnam becomes United States’ sixth largest Trading Partner Global: Vietnam becomes United States’ sixth largest Trading Partner

The Communist Country of Vietnam is now rejoicing over the Fact that based on Data from last Year of 2022, they are now the United States’ (US) sixth largest Trading Partner whereas the US’ supposed “Ally”, the Philippines is only ranked thirty-first based on Data from 2021. 

In Terms of actual Trade Volume, US-Vietnam Trade was worth a total of Usd 142 billion while the US-Philippine Trade was worth only Usd 36 billion. So Vietnam, a COMMUNIST Country, is now ranked at least five times higher than the Philippines in Terms of Trade Ranking with the US, and their Total Trade with the US is almost four times more than the Philippines. 

Friday, November 3, 2023


Photo here

October 27, 2023: Saudi Arabia and Chinese Forces conduct “Blue Sword 2023” Naval Exercise in China
Saudi Arabian Forces went to Guangdong, China to conduct the Joint Naval Exercise “Blue Sword 2023” with Chinese Forces recently, and one of their Activities was a Maritime Assault and Rescue as shown in this Video which clearly shows in great Detail their Naval Equipment and Weapons

August 23, 2023: Saudi Arabia to start teaching Mandarin twice a Week on all High Schools 
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) recently directed all Public and Private Schools to start teaching the Mandarin Language at Secondary (High School) Level at a rate of twice per Week. The KSA said that the fourth Period of the Sunday and Monday Classes should be allocated to teaching the Language. 

The Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman reached the Decision to teach Mandarin in the KSA during his visit to Beijing, China back in 2019. 

I am actually learning French and Russian on Duolingo, I just thought it would be cool to be able to speak some Foreign Languages. I am still not far off in both Languages though, but I always intended to learn Mandarin later. Makes me wonder though if I should start sooner, but learning three Languages at the same time might be too much already …

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Philippines LAST among Major SEA Countries in Terms of Exports in 2022

The Exports of South East Asian Countries in 2022. Infographic by Seasia Stats
The Exports of South East Asian Countries in 2022. Infographic by Seasia Stats

Here is another, most interesting Piece of Information which you will not see the Philippine Main Stream (MSM) Press won’t report, it is about how the Philippines placed LAST among the Major Countries in South East Asia (SEA) last Year of 2022 in Terms of Exports. 

Our Country actually placed sixth in this List, but if you look at the other four Countries behind us, I would consider them as only “Minor” Countries in SEA because for one, most of them have smaller Populations (Cambodia, Brunei, Laos) than other SEA Countries, with Cambodia having the most among the three with 17 million (Philippines current Population: 109 million). 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A million Foreigners per Month visited Vietnam in 2023, more than TWICE that of the Philipines

Viet Nam News: Foreign Arrivals to Viet Nam hits nearly 10 million in first ten Months
Viet Nam News: Foreign Arrivals to Viet Nam hits nearly 10 million in first ten Months

Almost ten million Foreign Tourists visited Vietnam so far this Year of 2023 from January to October, averaging around a million per Month. These are amazing Numbers, in contrast the Philippines only received 3.67 million Foreign Tourists in nine Months, or only around 408,000 per Month, less than HALF that of Vietnam. 

And apparently, the South Koreans like Vietnam a lot more than the Philippines since a lot more of them went there than here. Tourists from South Korea composed most of the Visitors to Vietnam, followed by China. Together, South Korean and Chinese Tourists total around 42% of all Foreign Arrivals there so far.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 30, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China

Another Chinese Vehicle Company will make Malaysia as their Hub for Exports in South East Asia (SEA) while another Chinese Solar Photo Voltaic Cell Company is investing Usd 380 million to put up a Factory there; Vietnam’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs visited China and said that her Country “Treasures” its ties with China while their President told Xi Jinping himself that Vietnam’s relations with China is their “Top Priority” as a Chinese Company making Smart Electronics will put up a Usd 50 million Factory there in this Edition of the rest of SEA’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 30, 2023

* October 12, 2023: The China Company “Dongfeng Motor Industry Import and Export Company, Limited” recently signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) with the Vehicle Importers and Traders Association of Malaysia (PEKEMA) that will make Malaysia as the Hub for their Exports in the SEA Region. This will provide Innovative and Environmentally-Friendly Transportation Solutions, boost Economic Growth and provide more Employment Opportunities for Malaysia:

* October 17, 2023: The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Hang said that her Country, "... attached much importance to its Friendly Neighbourliness and Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership with China ..." recently during her visit to the Chinese City of Chongqing:

Anti-Corruption Watchdog finds Issues with the DNDs acquisition of Pistols for the AFP

Department of National Defense (DND) acquisition of 9 mm Striker-fired Pistols
Department of National Defense (DND) acquisition of 9 mm Striker-fired Pistols

An Anti-Corruption Watchdog recently questioned the plan of the Department of National Defense (DND) to buy Service Pistols for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), saying that it is overpriced and its Technical Specifications could have been made to favor certain Suppliers. 

The first Issue they cited was the Price of the Pistols which has a budget of Php 1.782 billion for 36,000 Pistols which breaks down to around Php 49,500 per Unit. This is much higher than the typical Retail Price for these types of Pistols which is only around Php 22,000 per Unit as per them.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Philippines stops seeking Loans from China for 3 Railway Projects, may end up Empty-Handed

Benar News: Philippines drops funding deal with China for 3 Railway Projects
Benar News: Philippines drops funding deal with China for 3 Railway Projects

So the Philippines under the Administration of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM) has now stopped asking China for Loans to finance three Railway Projects which have a total cost of Usd 4.9 billion. The three Projects are: The 380 km Laguna-Bicol Railway; The 71 km Subic Bay-Clark Freeport Zone Railway; and the first Phase of the Mindanao Railway Project.

Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Jaime Bautista said himself that China seems to have “lost interest” in funding Projects anymore. So big Question now is who will take the Place of China to fund all those Projects? South Korea? Japan? I pity them because now they will be forced to shoulder those Loans, let’s see if they will really do it. 

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