Monday, April 5, 2021

Possible export of Surion Helicopters and KT-1 Aircraft to the Philippines stalled due to the Pandemic

The KT-1 Woongbi Aircraft, photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
The KT-1 Woongbi Aircraft, photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

In a recent Press Conference in South Korea, the President and Chief Operating Officer (CEO) of the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) Ahn Hyun-ho said that the Company was in a “favorable situation” to export its Surion Helicopters and KT-1 Woongbi Aircraft to the Philippines

However, due to the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic and resulting cuts to the Philippines' Defense Budget, that prospect is now uncertain. Quoting Mr. Ahn: 

Are the Americans and their Filipino Servant Dogs trying to Sabotage China’s Vaccine Delivery to the Philippines?

Pres. Duterte with other Gov't Officials and the Chinese Ambassador during the delivery of the 1 million CoronaVac Vaccines. Photo by the Presidential Communications Operations Office
Pres. Duterte with other Gov't Officials and the Chinese Ambassador during the delivery of the 1 million CoronaVac Vaccines. Photo by the Presidential Communications Operations Office

As I had posted about recently, China so far has been the Philippines’ main and most reliable source of Vaccines for the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), sending 2 million CoronaVac doses in 3 deliveries so far. 

The only other Vaccine that has arrived are AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 Vaccine thru the COVAX Facility of which only 525,600 doses have been sent in 2 deliveries. Meanwhile, their next delivery of 979,200 doses have been DELAYED for 2 Weeks now. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

VACCINE WATCH (Mar. 28 - Apr. 3, 2021) - 1 mil Sinovac Vax arrived, still no News on AstraZeneca Vax

Infographic by the Presidential Communications Operations Office of the arrival of the 1 million CoronaVac Vaccines purchased from China
Infographic by the Presidential Communications Operations Office of the arrival of the 1 million CoronaVac Vaccines purchased from China

Last Week (March 28 to April 3, 2021), after a 1 Week delay the 1 million CoronaVac Vaccines for the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) made by the Chinese Company Sinovac Biotech Ltd. arrived on its rescheduled date of March 29, 2021. 

‘Main Supplier’
These are the first Vaccines that the Philippines bought that were delivered. This also brings the total number of CoronaVac Vaccines delivered by China to the Philippines to 2 million, half of which were donated while the other half was bought. 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Vietnamese Fishing Vessels “Swarming” in the Philippines’ EEZ in March 2021

SCS Probing Initiative Image of Vietnamese Fishing Vessels in March 2021
SCS Probing Initiative Image of Vietnamese Fishing Vessels in March 2021

Data from the SCS Probing Initiative for Vietnamese Fishing Vessels shows a lot of them seemingly, er, ahem ... “Swarming”, around the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) last Month (March 2021). 

Some of the data even showed (as shown below) the individual Tracks of the Vietnamese Fishing Vessels well within our EEZ. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Vietnam Coast Guard now reportedly near Julian Felipe Reef

Screenshot of the SCS Probing Initiative Tweet on the Vietnam Coast Guard Vessel
Screenshot of the SCS Probing Initiative Tweet on the Vietnam Coast Guard Vessel

And the Vietnam Coast Guard is now reportedly near Julian Felipe Reef, also known as Whitson Reef. Take note that Vietnam is ALSO CLAIMING that Reef as THEIR OWN, which they call sa Da Ba Dau

Apparently when the Vietnamese Vessels are in the Waters around our claimed Territories in the Spratlys Islands, they are either ignored or welcomed because the seeming Propaganda Narrative of the Americans and their Filipino Servant Dogs is to focus only against China while supposedly treating Vietnam as an “ally”. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

How come NOBODY is asking Vietnam to give back Pugad Island to us?

Screenshot of Pugad Island from Google Maps
Screenshot of Pugad Island from Google Maps

Vietnam STOLE Pugad Island (also known as Southwest Cay) from us, reportedly luring our Soldiers away from it with Prostitutes and then occupying it themselves back in 1975, during the rule of President Ferdinand Marcos

The United States (US) didn’t even lift a single Finger to help us get back that Territory then, and their Bases were STILL HERE in the Philippines at that time.  

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Philippines is just in a Territorial Grabbing Contest with other Countries in the Spratlys Islands

Official For the Motherland - Sass Rogando Sassot Facebook Page Post about the Spratlys Islands
Official For the Motherland - Sass Rogando Sassot Facebook Page Post about the Spratlys Islands

Excellent point from "For the Motherland - Sass Rogando Sassot" Official Facebook Page, as had been said before, the Philippines has NO HISTORICAL CLAIMS on the Spratlys Islands

The only reason we are there is because former President Ferdinand Marcos was shrewd enough to realize that we could claim some of those if we occupied them. 

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