Monday, May 2, 2022

Ukraine’s Air Force Command admits the “Ghost of Kyiv” is Fake

Screenshot of the Post made by Ukraine's Air Force Command admitting that the Ghost of Kyiv is Fake
Screenshot of the Post made by Ukraine's Air Force Command admitting that the Ghost of Kyiv is Fake

The official Air Force Command Facebook Page of Ukraine itself just admitted that the so-called “Ghost of Kyiv” is Fake. Now the manipulative and shamelessly biased Western Press is trying to ignore this or skirt around it, this is the reason why intentionally put up this Blog to point it out since they won’t. 

This is just another of the now long list of Fake News that Ukraine has been generating since Russia’s Military Action against them started. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Rumored Phase II Objectives of Russia’s Military Action in Ukraine

Rumored Phase II Objectives of the Russian Forces in Ukraine. Photo from the Intel Slava Z Telegram Page dated April 25, 2022
Rumored Phase II Objectives of the Russian Forces in Ukraine. Photo from the Intel Slava Z Telegram Page dated April 25, 2022

Here are supposed to be the Oblast or Regions/Provinces in Ukraine that are the Objectives of the Russian Forces to be under their control during the Second Phase or Phase II of their Military Action in Ukraine. This is of just a Rumor, Russia won’t be officially giving away what their true objectives are. 

I am not sure why the Kharkiv Region does not seem to be included in the List, it is either they don’t intend to take it or consider it be under their main control already. Kharkiv is the third largest Province in Ukraine and the Kharkiv City is the second largest City in Ukraine. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Putin cancels final Assault on Azovstal Plant, opts instead for Blockade and Bombardment

A Screenshot of the Article of Putin's decision to cancel the Assault on the Azovstal Plant
A Screenshot of the Article of Putin's decision to cancel the Assault on the Azovstal Plant

Russian President Vladimir Putin has canceled a planned final Assault on the Azovstal Steel Plant in the City of Mariupol to preserve the lives of Russian Troops and ordered instead to continue to blockade and bomb the Area. 

The Ukrainian Troops and Mercenaries still holed up in the Plant now have the choice to either Surrender, or die of Hunger or Bombardment. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

US approves extension of Runway on Taiping Island stolen by Taiwan from the Philippines

Infographic about the planned extension of the Runway at the Ligao Island. Image by the UDN Website
Infographic about the planned extension of the Runway at the Ligao Island. Image by the UDN Website

Fake Nationalists and Filipino Dogs of the Americans constantly talk about how China is supposedly taking away Territory from the Philippines, but only against China and never other Countries who have done the same. 

Like Taiwan, for example. Taiwan stole from the Philippines what they now call as Taiping Island. Internationally it is known as Itu Aba also, and the Philippines itself has a name for it and calls it as Ligao Island

The Foolishness of the Philippines' Dual Citizenship Law

Photo here

April 18, 2022: Catriona Gray is an example of an “Australian First, Filipina Second”. As soon as her Career in the Philippines is over, she will simply and quietly go back to settle in Australia. That is the Foolishness of the Philippines’ Dual Citizenship Law which allows Philippine Citizenship to be just Secondary

January 29, 2022: A great Article on the foolishness of the Dual Citizenship Law of the Philippines. IMHO, the Law is diluting the Nationalism of Filipinos by accepting that People can be Foreigners first, Filipinos second as what most if not all of these Fil-Foreigners are. Imagine that, being Filipino can just be “Second Class”?

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 19, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Life slowly getting back to normal in Mariupol
Videos shown on the Intel Slava Z Telegram Account shows life in most of the areas that were liberated by Russia and its Allies in Mariupol slowly getting back to normal. 

Just some mopping up to do, some Ukrainians still holed up in some parts of the City cornered like Rats. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Russia warns Sweden and Finland against joining NATO

Screenshot of the Article about Russia's warning to Sweden and Finland
Screenshot of the Article about Russia's warning to Sweden and Finland

Russia has warned Finland and Sweden that they would deploy Nuclear Weapons and Hypersonic Missiles on their Borders with them if both Countries join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

I think this is incredibly irresponsible of Russia, they shouldn’t be acting this way. They should allow both Sweden and Finland to join NATO without such threats … As long as the Countries along the Border of the United States (US) like Mexico and Canada also enters a Military Pact with Russia, LMAO. 

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