Sunday, January 1, 2023

PBBM expected to get Php 12 billion in Infra Pledges during China Visit

The Manila Bulletin Article on PBBM's upcoming Visit to China
The Manila Bulletin Article on PBBM's upcoming Visit to China

President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) is expected to get around Rmb 1.5 billion (or around Php 12 billion) in Pledges from the Chinese Government to support his Infrastructure Projects during his State Visit to China this coming Week. 

Other Items expected during his Visit are: 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Philippine-China Relations, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Philippines and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of the Philippines and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons

December 23, 2022: The Province of Fujian in China is donating Robots to assist in Chinese Language and Culture Education to Chinese Schools in the Philippines. And they are not just donating a few, they are donating 400 units with each Robot containing Textbooks, Language Learning Application Modules and Human-Computer Interaction Function Modules

Decembrer 7, 2022: Billionaire Manny V. Pangilinan (MVP), who has long been behind Anti-China Efforts out here in the Philippines in the last Decade seems to be softening his Stance a bit and said that they are talking to an unnamed Chinese Company for the exploration of the Recto Bank Oil and Gas Field 

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Singapore, 2022

Photo here

December 27, 2022: Singapore recently launched its second and third Type 218SG Invincible class Attack Submarines. They bought four of these, and the Subs can stay up to six Weeks underwater without surfacing even once

November 1, 2022: Singapore and China recently signed 19 Agreements to deepen Cooperation between their Countries on Areas such as Green Development and Green Finance, E-Commerce, Public Health, Innovation Cooperation and Tourism Exchanges. So while our South East Asian (SEA) Neighbors are busy deepening Ties with China, we are out here busy kissing America’s A$$es and getting only Pennies out of it

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Indonesia, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of Indonesia and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of Indonesia and China, original Images from Wikimedia Commons

December 26, 2022: The Navies of the Philippines and Indonesia agreed to do even more joint Sea Border Patrols of at least once a Month next Year of 2023 as agreed upon by Committees from both Countries during a Meeting at the SMX Convention Center in Davao City recently 

December 19, 2022: The first China-made, Turbofan-powered Passenger Jetliner, the ARJ21 was recently delivered to its very first export Buyer, the TransNusa Airlines of Indonesia. Again this highlights the close relations between China and Indonesia despite having Territorial differences in the South China Sea (SCS)

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Civil and Foreign Relations, 2022

Photo here

December 23, 2022: The Armed Forces and Police Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. (AFPMBAI) recently donated an Ambulance and a Garbage Compactor to the Philippine Army (PA). The Ambulance will be used in Sulu while the Compactor will be used in Fort Bonifacio in Taguig

December 24, 2022: The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) recently turned over 21 brand new and modern Facilities worth Php 1.66 billion to the Philippine Army (PA). The Facilities included Headquarters, Repair Bays, a Wellness Center, Classrooms, Mess Halls, Warehouses, Barracks and Quarters 

Monday, December 26, 2022

China vs. the United States of America (USA), 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons
A composite Image of the Flags of China and the US, original Images from Wikimedia Commons

December 23, 2022: And the Anti-China Propaganda Campaign against China by the Americans and their Pinoy Dogs to sabotage President Bong Bong Marcos’ (PBBM) State Visit to China next Month of January 2023 continues. First it was “Swarming”, then “Reclamation”, and now it is “Airships”. I think it is absolutely silly for these to be Chinese Airships because compared to Fixed Wing Aircraft, Airships are SLOW, with the fastest ones go no more than 100 kph. These would be easy pickings even for our FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft. If anything, these Airships are likely made by the United States (US) operating RENT FREE from our Military Bases

December 21, 2022: The Crew of an RC-135 Reconnaissance Aircraft of the United States Air Force (USAF) probably pissing their Pants at the sight of a J-11 Flanker Aircraft of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China armed with live Air to Air Missiles which could’ve easily shot their Plane down. Come on, US, you can do better than just cry like a little Girl on Social Media about how, “that bad Man China” is bullying you, LMAO. The Incident happened over the South China Sea (SCS), and the J-11 reportedly came as close as 7 meters from the Aircraft. Video by the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) which means that it is in the Public Domain …

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Philippine Territorial Claim Disputes, 2022

Photo here

December 24, 2022: China implements a Fishing Moratorium to its Vessels from May to August of every Year in all of the Seas that they operate it, which includes the South China Sea (SCS). Now after the three Month Moratorium ends, naturally all the Chinese Fishing Vesels go back and start fishing again. The Americans and their Filipino Doggies have used this Cycle for PROPAGANDA, calling it “Swarming”. And of course the Pinklawan Press is in on it, constantly highlighting only the “Swarming” Propaganda, they never explain the Moratorium, they just keep saying, “Oh look, they are ‘Swarming’ again!!”. This is an example of how GASLIGHTING works …
SOURCE: Xi’s Moments Facebook Page Post, 05/02/22 – 1900H {Archived Link}

December 23, 2022: Typical Psychological Operations (PsyOps) being conducted by the Americans and their Filipino Dogs against China just before the official State Visit of President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) visit to China next Month of January 2023. First they hyped up the supposed "Swarming" bullsh1t of Chinese Fishing Vessels, and then now they are coming up with another supposed issue of "Reclamation" even if Vietnam was doing the exact same thing. Why not any complaints about Vietnam then, aber, when in fact they hold the most number of Islands in the Spratly Islands Group?
SOURCE: South China Sea: Vietnam expands outposts in contested Spratly Islands, says US think tank {Archived Link}

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