Tuesday, September 5, 2023

China funding for Php 142 billion Laguna to Bicol Railway Project likely to be cancelled

CNN: PH may drop China funding for Railroad Project by Year-End without Beijing's Confirmation
CNN: PH may drop China funding for Railroad Project by Year-End without Beijing's Confirmation

China’s funding of the Laguna to Bicol Railway Project (also known as the Philippine National Railway or PNR South Long Haul Project) will very lilkely be cancelled, this after the Department of Transport (DOTR) revealed recently that China has not yet approved the Loan Agreement for it up to now. 

The DOTR said that if no development occurs by the end of this Year of 2023, they will decide whether to to continue the Project with China or terminate the Deal with them. 

China claiming the SCS is aimed at stopping the US from blocking their Trade Routes there

China claiming the SCS is aimed at stopping the US from blocking their Trade Routes there
China claiming the SCS is aimed at stopping the US from blocking their Trade Routes there

So China’s new “Standard Map” is again making Headlines on how they wanted to occupy almost all of the South China Sea (SCS). However, what most Western Press won’t say is WHY China want to do such a Thing? 

The West wants People to assume that they are just “Greedy” that’s why they want to explain. However, China’s real intention is not “Greed”, nor is their claim against any Particular South East Asian (SEA) Country; Their Intention of doing that is simply to keep the United States (US) from blocking their Trade Routes there in times of War. 

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 2, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of other SEA Countries with China

Malaysians will be given more Scholarship Opportunities by China and the Railway that China is building in Malaysia is now almost halfway complete; A Chinese Nickel Company has started Production in Indonesia; A Chinese Automotive Company is investing Usd 285 million to build a Factory in Thailand and a Chinese Display Panel Company is expanding its Factory in Vietnam in this Edition of the South East Asia (SEA) and China Series, “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, September 2, 2023

* August 22, 2023: China’s Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing said that more Scholarships will be given by both the Central and Local Chinese Governments to Malaysian Students who intend to further their College or University Education in China. The Ambassador also noted the high Quality of Students from Malaysia, citing Data from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University which showed how six out of ten of their Top Students were Malaysian:  https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/08/22/china-to-offer-more-scholarships-for-malaysian-students-in-republics-varsities-says-ambassador/86484

Indonesia rejects US demand for Joint Statement against China in the SCS

Antara: No Joint Statement with US on China's South China Sea Claims: Subianto
Antara: No Joint Statement with US on China's South China Sea Claims: Subianto

Indonesia’s Defense Secretary Prabowo Subianto has promptly REJECTED the United States’ (US) demand for them to do a Joint Statement against China in the South China Sea (SCS), saying that, “Indonesia's Position is clear that we are non-Aligned. We befriend all Countries.

Just too bad for the US, Prabowo’s rejection came just when they thought they were making inroads into that Country when Indonesia bought their F-15EX Eagle II Fighter Aircraft and Black Hawk Helicopters, and allowed thousands of Indonesian Cadets to get Scholarships (and be corrupted to become Pro-US) in the US. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Vietnam and China exchange Coast Guard Officers despite past History of Ramming and Water Cannon Wars

Vietnam+: Exchange Programme of Vietnamese, Chinese young Coast Guard Officers kicks off
Vietnam+: Exchange Programme of Vietnamese, Chinese young Coast Guard Officers kicks off

So while the Spokesperson of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Jay Tarriela goes and runs crying to the Philippine Press whenever something happens between and China and them, the Coast Guards of Vietnam and China went out to have an Exchange Program of their YOUNG OFFICERS. 

And take note, the Event was held in Hanoi, Vietnam where the China Coast Guard (CCG) Officers VISITED and engaged in various Activities such as touring the City, meeting with the Leaders of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) and engaging in Environmental Protection Activities. 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Amb. Romualdez, DFA claims Philippine-Vietnam Relations being “Sabotaged”, could be start of Crackdown

Manila Bulletin: PH Envoy warns of Smear Campaign in Cyberspace
Manila Bulletin: PH Envoy warns of Smear Campaign in Cyberspace

The Philippines’ Ambassador to the United States (US), who is actually acting like the US’ Ambassador to the Philippines, and Presidential Relative Babes Romualdez along with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is now echoing what a Pro-US Vietnamese in Singapore wrote about Philippine-Vietnam Relations being “sabotaged” as I had posted recently. 

Although this time Babes and the DFA did not name China as the one doing it, the accusations are basically the same as what the Vietnamese wrote and who did name and accuse China of possibly doing the “Sabotage”. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pro-US Vietnamese in Singapore accuses China of possibly sabotaging Philippine-Vietnam Relations

Fulcrum: Troubled Waters ahead for Philippine-Vietnam Strategic Partnership on the South China Sea
Fulcrum: Troubled Waters ahead for Philippine-Vietnam Strategic Partnership on the South China Sea

A certain “Phan Xuan Dung” who is listed as a Research Officer at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore recently accused China of possibly sabotaging the Relations between the Philippines and Vietnam in an Article published in the Fulcrum Website.

This Dung is a Member of the United States (US)-Vietnam Next Generation Leaders Initiative as stated on his short Biography at the Website itself, so from there anybody can already see that this Person is already Pro-US. 

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