Friday, October 27, 2023

Saudi Prince humiliates US Sec. Blinken by making him wait for Hours before Postponing their Meeting

Insider: Saudi's Crown Prince snubbed the US Secretary of State by making him wait Hours for a Meeting before postponing it, Report says
Insider: Saudi's Crown Prince snubbed the US Secretary of State by making him wait Hours for a Meeting before postponing it, Report says

In a Show of how far the United States’ (US) Prestige in the World has gone down under the Administration of Joe Biden, the Prince and Leader of Saudi Arabia Mohamed bin Salman totally and utterly HUMILIATED the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken by making him wait for HOURS for their Meeting, and then postponing it. 

Blinken had expected to meet with Prince when he landed in Saudi Arabia in the Evening, but the Prince made him wait a long time before canceling their Meeting. He only met with Blinken the following Day. Blinken was trying to convince the Saudi Prince to condemn Hamas, but the Prince instead only called for Israel to stop its Military Operations and for the Conflict to be de-escalated. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Philippines now surrounded by Pro-China Countries after new Ruling Party wins in New Zealand

Foreign Policy: New Zealand Pivots Right—Toward China
Foreign Policy: New Zealand Pivots Right—Toward China

The new Ruling Party in New Zealand which just won in this Month's (October 2023) Elections called "The National Party" is PRO-CHINA, so the United States (US) loses ANOTHER Country to China

The Party’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Gerry Brownlee once said that New Zealand should protect its Trade with China rather than contest its Human Rights record or Military Expansion in the South China Sea (SCS)

Sunday, October 22, 2023

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Thailand, 2023

The Flag of Thailand from the Wikimedia Commons
The Flag of Thailand from the Wikimedia Commons

October 19, 2023: Thailand like Vietnam also defied the US’ demands to isolate Russia as Putin is now set to visit there soon
Just like Vietnam, Thailand openly defied the demands of the United States (US) and its Vassals to isolate Russia, and now not only did their Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin INVITED Russian President Vladimir Putin, but Putin now has ACCEPTED that Invitation and is set to make his visit there soon also. 

So that makes TWO Countries in South East Asia (SEA) who are just too smart for the US and refuses to be Dogs them like the Philippines. No wonder they are more Progressive than us since they refuse to be tied down to the US’ bullsh*t Priorities. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if Vietnam and Thailand are polite towards the Philippines, but laugh at our Backs at just how st*p*d we are to agree to be Pet Canines of the US. We DESERVE such mockery and ridicule because of our Subservience to the US, and how we keep falling behind in Terms of Economic Progress in SEA because of that

June 2, 2023: After visiting Vietnam, China’s Qi Jiguang Training Vessel visited Thailand, now off to Brunei
After visiting Vietnam, China’s largest and most modern Training Vessel, the “Qi Jiguang (83)” went off to visit Thailand where its Crew and Passengers met with Commander in Chief of the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) and then visited the RTN Academy, the RTN Aircraft Carrier HTMS Chakri Naruebet, various Schools and Industrial Zones, etc. 

A friendly Football Match was also held between China and Thailand, and the Ship was also opened to the Thai Public. The Vessel has already left Thailand and is now visiting Brunei

Saturday, October 21, 2023


Photo here

October 19, 2023: Taiwan seems to be constantly pressuring the Philippines for a Military Alliance
I just found it a bit strange that the Philippines seem to keep saying in Public that they do NOT want to have Military Alliance with Taiwan, like the one just made recently by the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Lieutenant General Romeo Brawner Jr. 

Looking at my previous Posts, Taiwan has made this Military Alliance Request publicly at least twice already this Year of 2023, and looking at the previous News Reports, the Philippines have denied this Request at least twice also already. 

I agree with the Stance of the AFP in denying these Requests, it is not in the Interests of the Philippines to defend Taiwan, and also they stole Itu Aba from us and even are claiming Batanes to be theirs. Makes me wonder now if the United States (US) is also helping Taiwan put pressure on the Philippines to grant this Request

September 24, 2023:How the US dilly-dallied in its support for Taiwan in the 1950s
A good look at how the United States (US) dilly-dallied with its Support for Taiwan against China in the 1950s

Here is the Link to the Article, “China Enforces Its Tenth-Dash Line”:

Friday, October 20, 2023

OUR SEA NEIGHBORS: Vietnam, 2023

The Flag of Vietnam from the Wikimedia Commons
The Flag of Vietnam from the Wikimedia Commons

October 18, 2023: Putin invited to visit Vietnam, accepts it just a Month after Biden’s Visit
In a very hard Slap to the United States’ (US) thick and callous Face, Russian President Vladimir Putin was not only invited by Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong to visit his Country, but Putin himself has now reportedly ACCEPTED the Invitation and will make his visit “soon”. 

This comes after US President Joe Biden’s visit to Vietnam last Month of September 2023 where he was hoping to establish stronger Ties with them. This very smart and wise Geopolitical Move by Vietnam shows that they will not accept being the US’ Vassal State, unlike the Philippines under the Administration of Bobong Bong Marcos (BBM)

This again shows that the Philippines is really the only Country in South East Asia (SEA) they can treat as Doggies, all the other Countries are much, much smarter than that. That is why the US is so desperate to keep the Philippines under their Influence …

October 12, 2023: Chinese Navy Corvette rescued wounded Vietnamese Fisherman in the SCS 
The Type 056 classQujing” (508) Corvette of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China recently rescued a Vietnamese Fisherman who had a Life-threatening Accident in the South China Sea (SCS)

The Qujing responded to the Distress Call from the Vietnamese Vessel then which dispatched its Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) to transport the Fisherman to the Ship. The Fisherman was then evacuated to Hainan in China to undergo Surgery and is now doing fine. He will be returned back to his Vessel as soon as he gets better

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

OUR SEA NEIGBORS: Cambodia, 2023

Photo here

October 16, 2023: Another BRI Project of China opens, this time in Cambodia with their new Airport
Another China-built and funded Project under their Belt and Road Intiative (BRI) Program opens that will benefit another Country in South East Asia (SEA), and it is the brand new and modern Siem Reap Angkor International Airport (SAI)

The new Airport covers an Area of 700 Hectares, has a 3,600 m long Runway and will ultimately be able to handle up to 12 million Passengers each Year by 2040. It will naturally be a big help in terms of boosting Tourism and the Economy in Cambodia. 

This comes after another BRI opened recently, the Jakarta-Bandung Railway which is the first “Bullet Train” in the entire SEA. So China helps another SEA Country improve its Infrastructure, when was the last time anybody could say the same Thing about the United States (US)? None, not even here in its supposed “Ally”, the Philippines

June 9, 2023: Chinese Company starts building Usd 1.35 billion Expressway linking Cambodia to Vietnam
The Chinese Company China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) is starting the Construction of a Usd 1.35 billion, 135 km four-lane Expressway that will link the Cambodian City of Phnom Penh to the Vietnamese Border Town of Bavet

The Project is Cambodia’s second Expressway and is expected to be completed by 2027. It is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Program, and Cambodia can expect to get more Trade and Tourism from Vietnam because of it which will eventually pay for the Expressway 

Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 18, 2023

A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China
A Montage of Positive News of the Relations of other SEA Countries with China

Malaysia is pursuing more strongly its De-Dollarization efforts as a Chinese Company is developing a new Industrial Park for Electric Vehicles (EV) there; China added a new stop in Thailand for its Sea Route to the Persian Gulf; Chinese and Singaporean Legislators met recently to improve “Political Trust";  and others; And China starts its Cold-Chain Freight Train operations to Laos and Vietnam in this Edition of the rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China Series - “Positive News about the Rest of South East Asia’s Relations with China, October 18, 2023

* October 10, 2023: Malaysia now pushing more strongly towards lessening its reliance on the United States (US) Dollar (or the so-called “ De-Dollarization”) as it will now use more of its Local Currency, the Malaysian Ringgit, when trading with China, its largest Trading Partner, and also with Thailand. This was announced by no less than the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim himself during his recent Speech to the Malaysian Parliament:

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