Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), 2023

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November 21, 2023: The Impact of EDCA on the Peace, Security and Sovereignty of the Philippines
Here is a nice Article about the Impact of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) on the Peace and Security, and of the Sovereignty of the Philippines. Quoting from the Article: 

* "The presence of foreign Military Installations on Philippine Soil is a contentious Topic that harks back to the Era of U.S. Bases, which were expunged in the 1990s following a surge of Nationalist Sentiment. Adding four new EDCA Bases could reverse these Gains, suggesting a Re-Colonization of Philippine Territory. Sovereignty is not merely Territorial; it encompasses the capacity of the State to exercise unimpeded jurisdiction and control within its Domain

* “… the overt presence of U.S. Military might on Philippine Soil could render the Philippines a Strategic Target in the event of escalated Conflicts, thus jeopardizing rather than safeguarding National and Regional Security.

Here is the Link to the Article at the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) Website:

October 30, 2023: Duterte on EDCA: Philippines will be the US’ Tripwire, this will be their first Battleground against China
Great Interview of our Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (FPRRD) by Anna Malindog-Uy on various Geopolitical Topics. Here are some Quotes from Duterte himself: 

* “It (meaning the South China Sea or SCS Issue) cannot be solved by just publishing every Incident every Day or shouting to the World that there is something wrong every time that there is a near-collision or a collision or something that is a source of trouble.

* So, if you say you will increase the (EDCA) Bases as a deterrence, you must be joking. America is making the Philippines a Garrison. We are like a Detachment ahead of Guam, Hawaii and the mainland (USA). They will fight here first in the Philippines. The Filipinos will help, including CAFGU and the Police. In fairness, they also have Soldiers who are willing to die for America. But we will all suffer because we would be the first line of defense. Before they can move on to Guam, Hawaii and America, they will try to stop it here. This is the Tripwire. They are training the Filipinos, so we can go there first. The Filipinos will be the first Defenders. I do not believe in that deterrence. How can Missiles be a deterrence? How can the Philippines deter China through these EDCA sites?… Let’s not fool each other. Do not be naive. It can bring you down.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

No effective Legal Mechanism for WPS Dispute, Diplomacy most Rational Course – Law Society

International Law and Relations Society of the Philippines (ISIP) Position Paper on the West Philippine Sea (WPS) – November 15, 2023
A Group called the “International Law and Relations Society of the Philippines (ISIP)” recently submitted its Position Paper on Legal Matters about the West Philippine Sea (WPS) to the various Legislative Committees holding Public Hearings about it.   

The Group includes among its Members a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Reynato Puno, a former Admiral of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Joel Garcia and various Professors, Lawyers and Doctorate Degree Holders, and they concluded that, “... no effective Institutional Enforcement Mechanism is available under International Law” regarding the current Legal Disputes in the WPS, and that the best Course of Action would be, “... proactive Neutrality and Conflict-Prevention through Diplomacy are the more Rational Choices” Below are some of the Highlights of the Document: 

Monday, November 20, 2023

US Investment Pledges to Malaysia after APEC reached Usd 13 billion, the Philippines only Usd 672 million

The Star: Malaysia bags Investments worth RM63.02bil in US; Presidential Communications Office (PCO): PBBM secures over $672-million Investment Pledges in APEC Participation
The Star: Malaysia bags Investments worth RM63.02bil in US; Presidential Communications Office (PCO): PBBM secures over $672-million Investment Pledges in APEC Participation
No less than the Prime Minister of Malaysia himself, Anwar Ibrahim announced to the Press recently that his Country was able to secure Myr 63.02 billion in Investment Pledges from the United States (US) recently. That's around Usd 13.46 billion assuming an Exchange Rate of Myr 4.68 per Dollar. 

These Pledges were from Trade and Investment Missions to the US that were organized before the start of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum and one-on-one Meetings with Anwar himself at the Forum. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Boeing to make big Investment in Vietnam instead of Philippines, Zubiri’s declaration False so far

The Nation: Boeing Executive says committed to building Aviation Ecosystem in Vietnam; Manila Standard: Zubiri: US pushing Defense Firms to build PH Factories
The Nation: Boeing Executive says committed to building Aviation Ecosystem in Vietnam; Manila Standard: Zubiri: US pushing Defense Firms to build PH Factories
The United States (US) Aviation and Defense Company “Boeing” announced recently that they are set to make a huge Investment in COMMUNIST Vietnam instead of the Country which is supposed to be an “Ally” of their Country, the Philippines

No amount of the said Investment has been made so far, but I personally assume it will be considerable because of the amount of Work they intend to make in Terms of building that “Aviation Ecosystem", which includes Training Centers, Airports and Maintenance and Repair Establishments. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Philippine-United States (US) Relations, 2023

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November 15, 2023: US only gives “Moral Support” to the Philippines up to now 
Sim-ple lang ang Tanong: Bakit ngayon e hindi pa rin mahila-hila dun sa Ayungin Shoal ang Estados Unidos, sa kabila ng napakarami ng Ba-se Militar na binigay ni Bobong Bong sa Kanila? Bakit sa sobrang Kababawan ng mga Pilipinong nagpapaka Doggie sa mga Kano e natutuwa na sila sa “Moral Support” lang ng mga Amerikano?

(The Question in simple: Why up to now the United States (US) can’t still be dragged to Ayungin Shoal, despite them being given so many Military Bases by Bobong Bong? Are the Filipino Doggies of the US so shallow that they are happy already by the “Moral Support” that the US is giving them?)

Here is the Link to the original Post by Pusang Gala on Instagram:
SOURCE: Pusang Gala Instagram Post, 11/15/23 {Archived Link}

October 29, 2023: US now waging an Information War to suppress Voices of those who don’t want to be their Vassals
A good Article by the Asian Century Journal (ACJ) about how the United States (US) is waging an Information War all over the World, and particularly now in the Philippines where they are trying to silence Voices who does not want accept being their Vassals. Here are some Quotes from the Article, you can read the Link to it itself in the Comments: 

* “The U.S. controls Philippine Mainstream Media through its control of the Economic Levers of Power of the Philippine Economy. This Control emanates from the Global Finance Cabal that controls the Philippine Oligarchy, which, in turn, controls Philippine Mainstream Media.

* “This ”Transparency Campaign” I theorize is part of a Plan to create a “China Supporters” Hate Crusade that began with the Tarriela “Traitors” broadside. It’s now shifting to target “Pro-Beijing” Think Tanks. It is not far-fetched to think that the Americans are plotting an Anti-Chinese Pogrom a la the Indonesian-Chinese Massacre of 1965. This is heightened by Babes Romualdez’s comment in so many Words that he expects physical attacks on Filipino-Chinese in the Streets to ensue.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Singapore Prime Minister asks Filipinos, “are you sure you want to be a Battleground?”

Here is the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong during a moderated dialogue with Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum Gala Dinner last November 8, 2023 where at one point in the Dialogue when he was being asked about the South China Sea (SCS), he sort of unbelievingly asked the Filipinos, “are you sure you want to be a Battleground?

Chinese Military Hardware and Exports, 2023

A Chinese made SH-15 SPH bought by Ethiopia
A Chinese made SH-15 SPH bought by Ethiopia

November 8, 2023: First two of twelve Chinese-made L-15A Military Aircraft delivered to UAE 
The first two of twelve L-15A Falcon Aircraft ordered by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has just been delivered in Dubai recently. The L-15A is an Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) and Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) similar to the FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft being used by the Philippine Air Force (PAF)

The Contract for these was officially signed just nine Months ago back in February 2023 and already two has been delivered. UAE has an option to acquire three dozen more if they want to in the near Future. It looks like some of these L-15A will be used by the “Al Fursan” Aerial Demonstration Team of the UAE. 

These Aircraft are expected to be officially unveiled at the Dubai Air Show which will be held later this Month of November 2023, and they represent the much closer ties now of the UAE with China 

Here is the Link to the Article at the Defense Blog Website:

October 9, 2023: West expresses concern over new, quieter Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine of China
Western Observers are expressing concerns about China’s new and next Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine (NBMS), the Type 096 which is expected to start entering Service by the end of this Decade, or around 2030. 

The Type 096 is expected to be a lot quieter than the current Jin-class, Type 094 NBMS that the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is using, thanks in part to help of Russian Technology in Terms of improving its Acoustic Stealth Capability. 

This will make the Submarine harder to track by the Nuclear Attack Submarines of the United States Navy (USN), making it more difficult for them to stop from launching its Missiles during a World War.

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