Friday, February 25, 2022

Philippine Army now buying Guided 120 mm Mortar Rounds and 105 mm Ammo for its Vehicles


February 25, 2022: The Philippine Army (PA) is now acquiring thru the Bidding Process 120 mm caliber Guided Mortar Rounds for its M125 Tracked Cardom Mortar Carriers, and 105 mm caliber High Explosive-Tracer (HE-T) Ammunition for its Sabrah Vehicles

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Russia has just started the Invasion of Ukraine

Screenshot of the Article by BBC News on the start of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War
Screenshot of the Article by BBC News on the start of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War

Four Days ago, I posted a Poll in my Private Group on whether they think there will be a War in Ukraine or not. Most who answered the Poll answered “No”, and that’s understandable since Russia at that time denied it was going to happen. 

However, today, February 24, 2022 around the Afternoon Philippine Time, it seems like Russia had officially started the invasion of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin though said that he doesn’t intend to take the whole Country, I think he will only occupy those Regions near the Russian Border which are sympathetic to Russia

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Partitioning of Ukraine

Ukraine Map showing Regions of Russian Speakers by ABC Australia
Ukraine Map showing Regions of Russian Speakers by ABC Australia

Here is an interesting Map made by ABC Australia back in 2014 showing how, as the Regions in Ukraine gets nearer to the Border with Russia, the more Russian Speakers there are and the more sympathetic they seem to be to Russia. 

And vice versa, the further away the Region is from the Russian Border, the less Russian Speakers and less sympathetic it seems they are to Russia. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

AFP Modernization News Roundup, February 20, 2022


February 21, 2022: PT Dirgantara Indonesia offering their CN235 Aircraft to the Philippine Air Force (PAF); The United States (US) donated a Pier and Maintenance Facility to the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) for use with six Riverine Crafts arriving later, and Weapons Systems are now being installed on the latest Multi-Purpose Attack Craft Mark Three (MPAC Mk 3) Vessels of the Philippine Navy (PN)

Friday, February 18, 2022

Putin on NATO encroaching along its Borders

Here are Video Clips of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a Speech on how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is encroaching his Country along its Borders, tak kanyeshna Rusiya (so of course Russia) isn’t happy about it. 

The United States of America (USA) would react the exact, same way if it the Countries within its Borders like Mexico or Canada goes into a Military Pact with Russia or China, for example. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

China's Aid to its Allies

Photo here

January 31, 2022: The new Sandinista Government of Nicaragua has just signed a 3-Year Agreement with China to build thousands of Homes for Poor and Working Families in 84 Municipalities 

January 28, 2022: Despite the fact that the Latin American Countries share the same Continent as the United States of America (USA), most of them have remained under developed. China is now helping these Countries improve, with a lot of them joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

U.S. Aircraft Donation: Cessna Skyhawk, or Cessna Skylark?


February 17, 2022: News Articles say that the Aircraft donated by the United States (US) recently were the Cessna 172S Skyhawk, but the United States Embassy in the Philippines says they were the Cessna 172 Skylark. The Embassy could've just been mistaken, or they could be referring to old Cessna 175 Skylark Aircraft that were refurbished and modernized

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