Monday, March 14, 2022

Brazilian Shooting Instructor escapes Death, his Base was totally destroyed in Ukraine later

Screenshot of the Twitter Post on Tiago Rossi’s escape from Ukraine
Screenshot of the Twitter Post on Tiago Rossi’s escape from Ukraine

It looks like the end is near for the Resistance in Ukraine as Foreign Fighters have been reporting back about the impending defeat, like the American Special Forces Veteran that I posted about earlier. And then here’s another one: 

A Firearms Shooting Instructor from Brazil named Tiago Rossi narrowly escaped death after his Base was wiped out by Russian attacks on it. According to Rossi, the Foreign Legion he joined in Ukraine was composed of Special Forces Soldiers from all over the World. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Kaliningrad Corridor

A day after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia last February 25, 2022, Maria Isabelle Comstock asked his Father, who is a retired American Intelligence Official about what his greatest fear is about the War. And his response was that if Russia pivots to the “Kaliningrad Corridor”.

You can watch the Video above, and by the way, just in case you are wondering like me, “Bellicosity” means “an inclination to fight or quarrel” as per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 10, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* US admits they are preparing for Zelensky’s Exile
The United States (US) is admitting that they are now preparing to establish a Ukrainian Government in Exile in Poland led by the Comedian President Volodymyr Zelensky. I think he already left, the Russians and the Ukrainian Opposition itself already said so. 
SOURCE: US preparing to create ‘Ukrainian Zelensky Govt in exile’ in Poland {Archived Link}

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

US threatens to sanction Chinese Companies if they don’t sanction Russia

An Article on the US' threat against Chinese Companies
An Article on the US' threat against Chinese Companies

The United States (US) is now threatening Chinese Companies that they will be sanctioned also if they will not sanction Russia

The US’ Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said that Chinese Companies will be cut off from American Equipment and Software they need to make their Products if they don’t sanction Russia also. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ukrainian Armed Forces caught manufacturing Fake News about a supposedly downed Russian Aircraft

The Ukrainian Fake News/Picture on the left while the real News/Picture on the right
The Ukrainian Fake News/Picture on the left while the real News/Picture on the right 

An official Twitter Account of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Name Генеральний штаб ЗСУ (@GeneralStaffUA) was caught sharing Fake News about the shooting down of a Russian Aircraft recently. 

The Account, which was verified as “Official” by Twitter and has a Blue Check Mark beside its name, shared a Picture on March 7, 2022 with a Caption that said, “… Another aircraft of the Russian Occupiers lands on Ukrainian Soil …”. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 6, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Iraq shows support for Putin and Russia
Well you all know what happened to Iraq, hence one reason why Banners were put in place in its Capital of Baghdad to support Russia and its President Vladimir Putin 
SOURCE: Banners Appear on Baghdad Streets Showing Support for Russia {Archived Link}

The Comedian President Zelensky was a Disaster for Ukraine – Until Russia Invaded

Contrasting Headlines just before and after the invasion of Russia about the Comedian President Zelensky of Ukraine
Contrasting Headlines just before and after the invasion of Russia about the Comedian President Zelensky of Ukraine

Ukraine’s Comedian turned President Volodymyr Zelensky was an utter disaster for his Country, but that is until Russia decided to invade Ukraine.

Months before Russia’s February 24, 2022 invasion, Zelensky’s Approval Rating was well below 50%, it was only 34% in June 2021, 29% in July 2021 and 28% in October 2021.  

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