Friday, April 8, 2022

Disappointing “Yes” Vote by the Philippines to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council

The Breakdown of the Vote of Countries in the UN to suspend Russia from the UNHRC
The Breakdown of the Vote of Countries in the UN to suspend Russia from the UNHRC

I am VERY disappointed that the Philippines voted in favor of suspending Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

‘Bucha Fake News’
The vote came about because of the supposed Massacre of Russian Forces of Civilians in the City of Bucha which is just another of the long line of Fake News coming out of the Ukrainian Government, the same ones who brought you the “Ghost of Kyiv” and the “13 (supposedly) Dead Snake Island Border Guards”.

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, April 8, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Indonesia support Russia’s retention in the G20
After China, Indonesia is another Country that does not agree with the United States’ (US) attempt to expel Russia from the G20 Intergovernmental Forum 
SOURCE: Indonesia says it will not exclude Russia from G-20 {Archived Link}

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Russia using Manuever Warfare against numerically superior Ukrainian Forces – Scott Ritter

The first six Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

The next six Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

The last four Tweets of Scott Ritter on Russia's Maneuver Warfare in Ukraine

Scott Ritter, a former Intelligence Officer of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and a former Weapons Inspector of the United Nations (UN) shared an amazing Analysis on what is really going on in the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War that is unbiased and not touting the Western Propaganda Narrative as what the Western Press has been doing. 

‘Numerical Disadvantage’
First of all, he shares that while Russia is a much bigger Country in terms of Population compared to Ukraine (Russia has a Population of 144 million while Ukraine only has 44 million), they in fact have committed only a force of 200,000 Troops for their Military Action there.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

US warned India of “Consequences” if it pushes thru with Rupee-Ruble Trade

Screenshot of the US' interference on India's planned Rupee-Ruble Trade
Screenshot of the US' interference on India's planned Rupee-Ruble Trade

India was supposed to have come up with a Mechanism to directly trade with Russia’s Ruble Currency last Week, but it still hasn’t pushed thru up now. The Reason? The United States (US) is against it and has warned India that they will have to deal with consequences from them if they do that. 

So who’s interfering with a Country’s “Sovereignty” now? India has no quarrel with Russia, it is the US who has a quarrel with Russia, but now they are bullying or coercing India to take their side against Russia? 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Let’s allow all Foreign Military Bases in the Philippines – As long as they pay RENT

A Map of the Philippines, taken from Google Maps
A Map of the Philippines, taken from Google Maps

Somebody from this Page’s Group asked me what I think about having Russian or Chinese Military Bases here in the Philippines, and my answer was a big YES, let’s allow them. Hell, let’s allow even the Americans in … as long as they all pay RENT. 

‘Abusive Americans’
My biggest Beef about these Americans putting up Bases here in our Country is that they don’t want to pay Rent. They instead want to give “Donations” for them, and this is so they can decide and dictate What to give, How Much to give and When to give them. 

rhk111 included in the Pinklawan’s Desperate List of supposed Fake News Spreaders

The Pinklawan's Desperate List of supposed Fake News Spreaders
The Pinklawan's Desperate List of supposed Fake News Spreaders

A recent Post by a Pinklawan on the American Gossip Social Media Platform Reddit included my rhk111 Defense Page as one of the supposed “Fake News Spreaders” on Social Media Platforms. 

It seems that the Pinklawans and its Allies (meaning the Americans, Philippine Communist Losers, Elitists and the Press) are getting desperate Day by Day due to their impending defeat in the coming 2022 Presidential Elections, and are seeking to De-Platform from Social Media Sites those that don’t agree with their Agendas and Narratives. 

Facebook 1-Day Suspension, April 3, 2022

Screenshot of the "Time" I spent on Facebook Jail recently, LOL
Screenshot of the "Time" I spent on Facebook Jail recently, LOL

I'm back after a Comment of mine on the Main Page was Mass Reported by Groups and Facebook suspended me for 24 Hours. 

It looks like me tinamaan dun sa "Filipino Dogs of the Americans" na Comment ko. 'Masakit ba, ha?' (Did it hurt)? LOL. Don't worry, I will do more it soon. 

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