Sunday, April 17, 2022

Troll Army Attack on Facebook Page – April 17, 2022

Screenshot of Facebook's Censoring my Page after a Troll Army Mass Reported one of my Comments a couple of Weeks ago
Screenshot of Facebook's Censoring my Page after a Troll Army Mass Reported one of my Comments a couple of Weeks ago

A Troll Army attacked my Facebook Page again today, I know it is one because they went thru every single Post and Comment I made and found one that I posted a couple of Weeks ago that they could Mass Report and take down. 

I managed to sneak in a Post before Facebook’s ban kicked in, but I won’t be able to make another one until tomorrow, Monday, April 18, 2022. 

While the US just lets Filipino Soldiers smell its Weapons, China gives a Bridge to the Philippines


The Binondo-Intramuros Bridge gifted by China to the Philippines. Photo credit noted on the Picture
The Binondo-Intramuros Bridge gifted by China to the Philippines. Photo credit noted on the Picture

So while the United States (US) was out there letting Filipino Soldiers look, touch, caress and inhale the Vapors of the Oils they were using on their very expensive American made Patriot Surface to Air Missile (SAM) Systems and High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HiMARS), ‘amoy-amoy lang’ (smell-smell only), China actually went out to give a Php 3.39 billion (or around Usd 65.2 million assuming an Exchange Rate of Usd 1 =  Php 52) Bridge to the Philippines that anybody can use if they want to. 

That just goes to show what the priorities of these two Countries have when it comes to the Philippines. Not to mention the fact that the US also called those same Filipino Soldiers as “Human Rights Abusers” recently as I had just posted about. 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

US labels the AFP as Human Rights Abusers

Screenshot of the Article where the US called the AFP as Human Rights Abusers
Screenshot of the Article where the US called the AFP as Human Rights Abusers

I just find it absolutely hilarious that the Americans, who were just letting our Filipino Soldiers touch, caress and smell their very expensive American made Weapons during the recent Balikatan Exercises, are now accusing those same Soldiers as Human Rights Abusers. 

This is based on the “2021 Country Report on Human Rights Practices” Report by the United States (US) State Department that was released recently. The Report says that, “… there were credible reports that members of the Security Forces committed numerous abuses …” 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Disappointing Stance by Duterte against Russia on the War in Ukraine


Screenshot of the Article of Duterte going up against Russia on the Issue of Ukraine
Screenshot of the Article of Duterte going up against Russia on the Issue of Ukraine

I am disappointed that President Rodrigo Duterte went out and sided with the United States (US) on the Issue of Russia in the ongoing War in Ukraine, it seems that the American A$$ Kissers within his Camp were able to convince him of their Master's lies. 

But since he has the sole authority to direct the Foreign Affairs Policy of this Country, then let's respect his decision. We're not like the Pinklawans who keep insisting on dictating how he should run the Philippines' Foreign Affairs direction. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Return to Space (2022) Movie Review

Netflix's Return to Space Movie Poster
Netflix's Return to Space Movie Poster

I’m a huge Fan of SpaceX, any Movie or Series about them and I try to watch as much as possible. People have to realize that there is an ongoing revolution on Space Exploration right now, thanks mainly to Elon Musk and SpaceX. 

Elon is doing for Space Exploration what Steve Jobs did for Consumer Electronics, or put it another way, Elon is the Steve Jobs of Space Exploration. Musk has made Space Exploration much cheaper, and much more accessible by People compared to what it was before. 

Philippine Exports to China almost doubled under the Duterte Administration

Some Numbers on the Philippines' Exports to China under the Duterte Administration
Some Numbers on the Philippines' Exports to China under the Duterte Administration

When President Rodrigo Duterte first stepped into Office back in 2016, the Philippines’ Exports to China only amounted to Usd 6.4 billion, which comprised of only around 13% of the Philippines’ Total Exports. 

By 2021 our Exports to China had almost doubled to Usd 11.6 billion, with its Total Exports Share increasing to around 25%. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping reflects on working with Duterte

A Screenshot about the Post of Xi Jinping's latest Call to Pres. Duterte
A Screenshot about the Post of Xi Jinping's latest Call to Pres. Duterte

I feel a bit sentimental about this most recent call by Chinese President Xi Jinping to President Rodrigo Duterte, it seems like a Farewell Call to me as Xi reflected on the much improved relations between China and the Philippines during Duterte’s Term. 

It’s only around a Month left before the Presidential Elections, and around two and half Months before Digong steps down from Office. And it has been a great Term for the relations of both Countries, I’m hoping that it will continue in as much or even better terms under the next Administration. 

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