Tuesday, February 14, 2023

China becoming more aggressive after the EDCA Expansion is a brilliant Play for them

CCG 5205 shining a Laser Dazzler on the BRP Malapascua, Photo by the PCG
CCG 5205 shining a Laser Dazzler on the BRP Malapascua, Photo by the PCG

In light of the likely use of a “Laser Dazzler” System by the China Coast Guard (CCG) Vessel Number 5205 recently against the BRP Malapascua (MMRV-4403) of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), it is possible that China is considering becoming more aggressive in the South China Sea (SCS) against Philippine Assets after the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) was expanded. 

And I think that will be a Brilliant Play for them, for many Reasons. For one, the EDCA Expansion has given them the excuse to do so. They can always say, “that expansion is a Threat to us as a Country as it allowed the Philippines to be used to encircle us Militarily”. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Was China’s use of a “Laser” on a PCG Ship in Response to the expansion of EDCA?

A Headline of the China Coast Guard "Laser" Incident
A Headline of the China Coast Guard "Laser" Incident

So the News this Morning was filled of Reports about how a China Coast Guard (CCG) Vessel with Bow Number 5205 used a “Laser” on the BRP Malapascua (MRRV-4403) Vessel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)

The “Laser” could be what’s called as a “Laser Dazzler”, of which Wikipedia has the best Description so far in the Internet in that it says it is, “A non-Lethal Weapon designed to use intense directed radiation to temporarily disorient its Target with Flash Blindness”. Note that the Words to remember here are “Non-Lethal” and “Temporary”. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The AFP needs to realize that the US was never good for them, or for the Philippines

AFP Coat of Arms and the US Flag, original Photos from Wikimedia Commons
AFP Coat of Arms and the US Flag, original Photos from Wikimedia Commons

Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for our Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), they have been brainwashed for so long by the Americans into siding with them that they can’t accept the fact that the United States (US) was never really good for them, while the rest of our South East Asian (SEA) Neighbors have long moved on and switched to the NEW and RELEVANT Superpower in the World that is CHINA. 

Our AFP still wants to continue to stay loyal to the US despite the fact that the Americans never really helped them much. This was especially true during the long, dark Days before we started our own Modernization Program, the US only gave them TOKEN Military Equipment or Funding while regularly giving Countries like Egypt and Israel BILLIONS of Dollars per Year and Countries like Pakistan several hundreds of millions of Dollars per Year in Military Aid. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Russian and Ukrainian Losses in the Ukraine War according to the Mossad – January 2023

The Headline of the Turkish News Publication about the number of Losses in the Ukraine War from the Mossad
The Headline of the Turkish News Publication about the number of Losses in the Ukraine War from the Mossad

It is kinda hard to get a clear, accurate Picture in terms of Casualties in ongoing War in Ukraine because both Russia and Ukraine would of course tend to inflate the Losses of the other side while deflating the Losses on their side. 

A Turkish News Publication however posted the number of Losses of both Sides with their Source reportedly being the Third Party that is the Israeli Intelligence Agency, the Mossad as of January 14, 2023. 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Link and Summary of the Terms and Conditions of EDCA Agreement

The Title Page of the EDCA Agreement
The Title Page of the EDCA Agreement

Just for everybody’s Reference, here is the Link to the Terms and Conditions for the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) between the Philippines and the United States (US) that was finalized in 2014: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/14-625-Philippines-Defense-Cooperation.pdf

The Document is around thirteen Pages long, and you can read it in full if you want, but in Summary for me, it is pretty much TO THE ADVANTAGE of the Americans. They get almost unlimited access to Philippine Military Bases, they don’t get to pay any Rent, they can Preposition their Materiel and Personnel here … ‘Sarap ng Buhay nila’ (They will have very comfortable Lives here).

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Air Force The Movie: Danger Close (2023) Movie Review

The "Air Force The Movie: Danger Close" Poster
The "Air Force The Movie: Danger Close" Poster

I’m still not happy with Malaysia stealing away Sabah from us, but that won’t keep me from appreciating their new Military-themed Movie titled, “Air Force The Movie: Danger Close” that seems to have been inspired and patterned after the “Top Gun” Movie Franchise. 

The Production Values are okay, so are the Acting and overall Storyline. Overall it is not necessarilty great, but definitely entertaining enough to watch, no wonder it ended up the number one Movie in terms of Viewership even on Netflix Philippines

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

F-16C Fighting Falcon/F-16V Viper Contract Sales

Photo here

January 20, 2023: The Country of Jordan just signed a Contract to acquire a dozen F-16V Viper Block 70 Fighter Aircraft for an eye-watering Price of Usd 4.21 billion, or around Usd 351 million each. The Contract included a lot of Weapons, Equipment, Spares, Maintenance Services, etc. with it though, hence the very high Price

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