Monday, April 29, 2024

Php 3.126 billion Bridge donated by China to Davao to be completed sooner, now at 16% complete

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I posted a Video about the Davao River Bridge or Bucana Bridge a couple of Weeks ago, and now there’s another update about it from the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) after their latest Inspection Report of it. 

And its all great News, first of all is that the Progress of the Bridge is now around 16% complete, or twice that of the 8% complete as per the last update. And second, the Bridge is now scheduled to be completed around four Months earlier, to November 2025 instead of the first Quarter of 2026 that was announced before. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The President Bong Bong Marcos (PBBM) Presidency, 2024

April 28, 2024: Maisug Peace Rally in Bulacan, April 28, 2024
There’s going to be a “Maisug Peace Rally” in Bulacan later today, April 28, 2024 at 5:00 pm, just see the Pictures below for more Details about it. If you are in the Area or is willing to travel there, then I hope you can join the Rally.

UPDATE: 04/28/24, 1:40 pm
As per the official Facebook Account of Atty. Vic Rodriguez, former President Rodrigo Duterte has decided to CANCEL the Maisug Rally in Bulacan that was originally scheduled later this Afternoon to avoid Trouble due to the constant Harassement by the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM). Here is Atty. Rodriguez's Statement: 


Alinsunod sa naging pasya ni Pangulong Rodrigo Roa-Duterte, nais kong ipabatid sa lahat na HINDI TULOY ang pagdaraos ng HAKBANG NG MAISUG, isang payapa at malawakang PEACE RALLY, na nakatakdang ganapin mamayang 5pm sa Bustos, Bulacan. 

Ang naging desisyon ay upang maiwasan ang anumang gulo at sakitan na maaring idulot ng lantarang PANGGIGIPIT ng pamahalaan para hindi matuloy ang ating PEACE RALLY.  

Hindi po tayo papasupil sa pagmamalabis ng administrasyon. Antabayan po ninyo ang mga susunod nating pagkilos. 

Protect and Defend the Constitution!🇵🇭

Here is the Link to Atty. Vic Rodriguez's official Statement on the cancellation of the Maisug Rally in Bulacan:

April 8, 2024: The US origins of BBM’s “Assertive Transparency” Strategy against China
This recent Article of The Manila Times (TMT) talks about the United States’ (US) origins of the “Assertive Transparency” Strategy that the Administration of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) is now using against China, and warns of its Negative Effects on the Philippines. Here are some selected Excerpts from the Article, the Link to which you can reach it is below: 

* “From Washington's perspective, the Collaboration is designed to weaken China prior to a potential Taiwan Crisis. Tokyo shares the view. Though the Philippines is positioned to bear the most Risks and Losses, it is not entirely clear how it will benefit from the new Trajectory. Without Policy Recalibration, Manila seems to be stumbling into a major Geopolitical Minefield even before an expected Taiwan Crisis, while the Filipinos' trust in their Political Leaders' Domestic Policies is dwindling.

* “During the Electoral Campaign, Marcos pledged he would build on Duterte's Legacy. After the Election, those Vows were turned upside down. In the SCS, the past cooperative approach was replaced with the Tactic of "Assertive Transparency," that is, "publicizing the aggressive aggressions of China. In Washington, the Tactic is portrayed as Manila's response to counter China. Yet, the Architects of the Policy seem to be linked with the US Department of Defense. Instead of just a narrow Information War of "Naming and Shaming," the Tactic involves broad Counterinsurgency Operations.

* “In the Philippines, the use of the "Assertive Transparency" Doctrine has been paralleled by the plummeting of the Approval Ratings of President Marcos and other Government Leaders. The Decline is due to growing Filipino concern regarding Issues like Inflation, Corruption and perceived weak Leadership. In such circumstances, SCS Tensions are a convenient distraction away from Filipino Bread-and-Butter Issues — unless and until the SCS Tensions finally explode, in which Case those Issues will get a lot worse.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Philippines only got Usd 500 million or 0.5% of latest Usd 95 billion US Military Aid to Allies

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The United States (US) recently released an Aid Package which is mainly Military in Nature to what it called its "Allies" worth a total of Usd 95 billion. However, out of that figure, only Usd 500 million has been allocated to the Philippines, or only 0.5% or half a Percent of the total amount.

Usd 61 billion instead will be given to Ukraine to continue its fight against Russia while Usd 26 billion will be given to Israel for its ongoing Conflict in Gaza. Usd 4 billion will be assigned to Taiwan to supposedly help its defense against China

Friday, April 19, 2024

BBM 'Kapalpakans', or BBM 'Sablays'

Time to start enumerating the ‘Kapalpakans’ of this Government, “BBM Kapalpakans”:

* Php 20 per Kilo Rice – Appointed himself as the Department of Agriculture (DA) for fifteen Months and as per Bobi Tiglao, only visited the DA Office a total of three times within that amout of time. And so where is the Price of Rice now, aber? Is it already Php 20 per kilo? No, it is not ...

Thursday, April 18, 2024

US Electronics Giant Apple Inc. invested Usd 16 billion in Vietnam, and to invest even more

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Tim Cook, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple Inc. which is one of the biggest Companies in the United States (US) recently went on a two-Day visit to Vietnam where he expressed his Company's intention to invest even more there. 

Cook was also quoted as saying that, "There is no place like Vietnam, a vibrant and beautiful Country" during his Visit there where he met with Students, Programmers and Social Media Content Creators. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Php 3.126 billion Bridge donated by China to Davao starts Construction

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Good News for the People of the Philippines as the Bridge Project that China is donating to the City of Davao has started construction already as per the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

The Total Project Cost of this Bridge is actually Php 4.304 billion, or approximately Usd 76.5 million assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 56.72 for every one United States (US) Dollar. However, a vast majority of that cost is being donated or granted by China to the Philippines to the tune of Php 3.126 billion or Usd 55 million. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

China issues new Demands for Resupply at Ayungin after Philippines' continued antagonization of them

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In just another Piece of News that the Philippines' Main Stream Media (MSM) seems to have put a News Blackout on, China thru their Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning has issued what seems to be new Demands recently for the Philippines' Resupply of its Troops at the BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal.

The Philippine MSM is ignoring this because they want to keep the "Script" or Narrative going that China is the Aggressor in the South China Sea (SCS), and wanted to try to show that China just wants to stop the Philippines for no Reason at all. 

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