Showing posts with label 2022 Russia-Ukraine War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022 Russia-Ukraine War. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2022

Brazilian Shooting Instructor escapes Death, his Base was totally destroyed in Ukraine later

Screenshot of the Twitter Post on Tiago Rossi’s escape from Ukraine
Screenshot of the Twitter Post on Tiago Rossi’s escape from Ukraine

It looks like the end is near for the Resistance in Ukraine as Foreign Fighters have been reporting back about the impending defeat, like the American Special Forces Veteran that I posted about earlier. And then here’s another one: 

A Firearms Shooting Instructor from Brazil named Tiago Rossi narrowly escaped death after his Base was wiped out by Russian attacks on it. According to Rossi, the Foreign Legion he joined in Ukraine was composed of Special Forces Soldiers from all over the World. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Kaliningrad Corridor

A day after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia last February 25, 2022, Maria Isabelle Comstock asked his Father, who is a retired American Intelligence Official about what his greatest fear is about the War. And his response was that if Russia pivots to the “Kaliningrad Corridor”.

You can watch the Video above, and by the way, just in case you are wondering like me, “Bellicosity” means “an inclination to fight or quarrel” as per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 10, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* US admits they are preparing for Zelensky’s Exile
The United States (US) is admitting that they are now preparing to establish a Ukrainian Government in Exile in Poland led by the Comedian President Volodymyr Zelensky. I think he already left, the Russians and the Ukrainian Opposition itself already said so. 
SOURCE: US preparing to create ‘Ukrainian Zelensky Govt in exile’ in Poland {Archived Link}

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

US threatens to sanction Chinese Companies if they don’t sanction Russia

An Article on the US' threat against Chinese Companies
An Article on the US' threat against Chinese Companies

The United States (US) is now threatening Chinese Companies that they will be sanctioned also if they will not sanction Russia

The US’ Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said that Chinese Companies will be cut off from American Equipment and Software they need to make their Products if they don’t sanction Russia also. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ukrainian Armed Forces caught manufacturing Fake News about a supposedly downed Russian Aircraft

The Ukrainian Fake News/Picture on the left while the real News/Picture on the right
The Ukrainian Fake News/Picture on the left while the real News/Picture on the right 

An official Twitter Account of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Name Генеральний штаб ЗСУ (@GeneralStaffUA) was caught sharing Fake News about the shooting down of a Russian Aircraft recently. 

The Account, which was verified as “Official” by Twitter and has a Blue Check Mark beside its name, shared a Picture on March 7, 2022 with a Caption that said, “… Another aircraft of the Russian Occupiers lands on Ukrainian Soil …”. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 6, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Iraq shows support for Putin and Russia
Well you all know what happened to Iraq, hence one reason why Banners were put in place in its Capital of Baghdad to support Russia and its President Vladimir Putin 
SOURCE: Banners Appear on Baghdad Streets Showing Support for Russia {Archived Link}

The Comedian President Zelensky was a Disaster for Ukraine – Until Russia Invaded

Contrasting Headlines just before and after the invasion of Russia about the Comedian President Zelensky of Ukraine
Contrasting Headlines just before and after the invasion of Russia about the Comedian President Zelensky of Ukraine

Ukraine’s Comedian turned President Volodymyr Zelensky was an utter disaster for his Country, but that is until Russia decided to invade Ukraine.

Months before Russia’s February 24, 2022 invasion, Zelensky’s Approval Rating was well below 50%, it was only 34% in June 2021, 29% in July 2021 and 28% in October 2021.  

Friday, March 4, 2022

The Status of Hostilities in Ukraine as of March 3, 2022 by the Russian Readovka Website

The Status of Hostilities by the Readovka Website as of 03/03/22
The Status of Hostilities by the Readovka Website as of 03/03/22

Above is the Map of the Status of the Hostilities in Ukraine as of March 3, 2022 by the Readovka Website, and below is a short summary (translated from Russian to English by Google Translate):

- Russian Troops advance from the South-West direction with regards to the City of Voznesensk

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 3, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

* Intel Slava Z Telegram Account Updates (as of 03/02/22 - 1601H Manila Time):
- Ukrainian Men aren't supposed to be allowed to cross Borders out of Ukraine, but Ukrainian Border Guards in the City of Lviv are reportedly accepting Bribes equivalent to Usd 150 to allow Men to leave
- The Capital of Belarus which is Minsk is to receive an S-400 Triumf Surface to Air Missile (SAM) System for its protection
- New Kharkova (probably Kharkiv) is now under the control of Russia
- Azov Regiment Soldiers will not be taken as Prisoners, they will be "eliminated" on the spot

* Intel Slava Z Telegram Account Updates (as of 03/02/22 - 19001H Manila Time):
- New Turkish Drones delivered to Ukraine
- Spain to provide offensive Weapons to Ukraine
- Gas Prices in Europe now goes up to Usd 2,199 per 1,000 m^3
- The City of Mariupol in Southern Ukraine has been completely blocked by Russian Forces
- Ukrainian Media is altering Videos by putting “Z” on Ukrainian Vehicles and presenting it to the World as “captured” Russian Equipment. This is being done by Ukraine to pad or increase the number of supposedly captured Vehicles. Intel Slava Z showed side by side examples of the original and edited Videos (My Comment: that is the problem with Russia and Ukraine using the same Equipment).

The Only Way to Stop the War in Ukraine Right Now

This is about the only known way to stop the War in Ukraine right now. But don’t let Angela Merkel be the one to do it, though. 

And to those who will say that this is inappropriate because innocent People are dying in Ukraine, Countries have been invaded and innocent People have been dying all the time in the Middle East for Decades now, and nobody ganged up on anybody with Economic War until it happened to a predominantly Caucasian Country, hmm? 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

American Social Media Companies too biased for Ukraine

Screenshot of a Post about the bias for Ukraine by the American Social Media Companies
Screenshot of a Post about the bias for Ukraine by the American Social Media Companies

I was monitoring the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War on Twitter, and I did notice that the algorithms they use were just too one-sided in favor of Ukraine. They almost never show the Ukrainian losses there. 

And Facebook and Google have also started to take steps to squeeze the Russian Media from their Platforms. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, March 2, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Russian Convoy 64 km long approaches Kiev
A Russian Military Convoy that stretches for 40 km is seen bow approaching the Ukrainian Capital of Kiev from the North, based on Images taken by the American Satellite Imaging Company Maxar Technologies 
SOURCE: Russian Military Convoy north of Kyiv stretches for 40 miles – Maxar {Archived Link}

Ukraine allowed the Nazi Azov Detachment to be part of its Armed Forces

The Insignias of the Nazi Azov Detachment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Images from Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons
The Insignias of the Nazi Azov Detachment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Images from Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons

Anyone can do a quick Search on Google and read the many Articles about the Azov Detachment in the Internet, but if you don’t want to do that, then let me give this Summary about that Unit. 

By the way, they used to be known as the Azov Battalion, but has since been expanded into a Regiment. They are also known as the Azov Special Operations Detachment or the Azov Regiment

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Racism against Blacks are reportedly being shown in Ukraine and Poland

Article about the supposed Racism in Ukraine and Poland
Article about the supposed Racism in Ukraine and Poland

Tsk-tsk-tsk ... the Nigerian Government itself is condemning the reported racism being shown by Ukrainian Officials and Authorities who are said to be blocking Nigerians and other Africans from boarding the Buses that are heading to Poland

Blacks are reportedly being told that White Ukrainians have the priority in terms of boarding the Buses heading out to Countries who are accepting Refugees from the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War. 

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, February 28, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Putin puts Russian Nuclear Forces on High Alert
Russian President Vladimir Putin had just put Russia's Nuclear Forces on high alert, indicating they could be used soon if necessary
SOURCE: Putin puts Russia’s Nuclear Deterrent Forces on alert {Archived Link}

* EU bans all Russian Flights
The European Union (EU) has just issued a Flight Ban on all Russian Aircraft due to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War  
SOURCE: Ukraine invasion: EU shuts airspace to Russian Planes {Archived Link}

* Russia is the premiere Nuclear Power in the World now
Russia is the number one Nuclear Power in the World right now with 6,257 Nuclear Warheads, with the United States (US) placing only second with 5,550 Warheads. 

France and the United Kingdom (UK) only has less than 300 Warheads each, and even China only has 350 Warheads as of now.
SOURCE: Which Countries have the most Nuclear Weapons? {Archived Link}

* Russia has already fired around 320 Missiles at Ukraine 
Russia has reportedly already fired around 320 Missiles at Ukraine according to American Officials and Analysts. The Missiles seem to be fairly accurate, but has so far not been able to stop the Ukrainian Armed Forces from fighting back effectively, and I agree. 

Proof of that is the fact that Kiev up to now is still under Ukrainian control, with no indications yet whether that will change soon. 
SOURCE: Analysis-Russia's Missiles see mixed results in Ukraine War as World watches {Archived Link}

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, February 26, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title 

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Ukrainian President says he is willing to negotiate with Russia
Beginning of the end as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has now publicly stated that he is willing to go into negotiations to stop the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War. After just two Days into the invasion, mind you
SOURCE: Zelensky offers Putin to start negotiations on ending Military Operations {Archived Link}

* Russian Forces starts entering Kiev
That was fast, as Russian Forces are now reportedly starting to enter the Ukrainian Capital of Kiev even as both sides are preparing for negotiation 
SOURCE: The fight for Kyiv: Russian Forces enter Ukrainian Capital {Archived Link}

Friday, February 25, 2022

2022 Russia-Ukraine War Notes, February 25, 2022

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the War Title 

Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* Ukraine abandoned by the West – Ukraine President
"Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don't see anyone. Who is ready to give Ukraine a guarantee of NATO Membership? Everyone is afraid" - Said the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Way to go, 'Murica!! :D
SOURCE: Ukraine President Says "Left Alone" To Fight Against Russian Offensive {Archived Link}

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Russia has just started the Invasion of Ukraine

Screenshot of the Article by BBC News on the start of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War
Screenshot of the Article by BBC News on the start of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War

Four Days ago, I posted a Poll in my Private Group on whether they think there will be a War in Ukraine or not. Most who answered the Poll answered “No”, and that’s understandable since Russia at that time denied it was going to happen. 

However, today, February 24, 2022 around the Afternoon Philippine Time, it seems like Russia had officially started the invasion of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin though said that he doesn’t intend to take the whole Country, I think he will only occupy those Regions near the Russian Border which are sympathetic to Russia

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Partitioning of Ukraine

Ukraine Map showing Regions of Russian Speakers by ABC Australia
Ukraine Map showing Regions of Russian Speakers by ABC Australia

Here is an interesting Map made by ABC Australia back in 2014 showing how, as the Regions in Ukraine gets nearer to the Border with Russia, the more Russian Speakers there are and the more sympathetic they seem to be to Russia. 

And vice versa, the further away the Region is from the Russian Border, the less Russian Speakers and less sympathetic it seems they are to Russia. 

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